masterwig said:
I enjoy reading the posts of sensible fans of other teams. The Hamburg fans were great and we often get away fans asking about the ground or whatever. I don't see why we should penalise these fans because of a few idiots.

It's easy enough to ignore stuff and there are very few posters who I would even 75% trust on a transfer rumour. We all know who we can trust and who we can't (often easily distinguishable by post count).

Something has to be done though I agree because the quality of this forum in the last 12 months has dropped significantly.

We have threads for all up and coming matches. Being unable to start a thread until you have 50 posts to your name, won't stop you posting on any fans from opposing teams would be able to come on and post...and there should be a match thread or whatever to get them spotted.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Bredbury Blue said:
It's a yes from me. But maybe we could limit it to the transfer site only??

I initially thought that but that would mean morons coming on here and off topic and posting crap. Mind you, we could try with just the transfer site to see what happens.
Yes i agree just the transfer site to see what happens
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Bredbury Blue said:
It's a yes from me. But maybe we could limit it to the transfer site only??

I initially thought that but that would mean morons coming on here and off topic and posting crap. Mind you, we could try with just the transfer site to see what happens.
just keep deleting their threads, i'm sure they'll get bored before the mods do.
Oh! and it's a YES from me too!
Okay then I'll agree to it.

Won't make much difference to me. I never have any ITK stories because I'm not ITK and I don't believe a word 95% of ITKs say anyway.
1.618034 said:
lastmanback said:
1.618034 said:
How many mods are there?

blue_wkd All forums Registered users
Cheesy All forums Registered users
cleavers All forums Registered users
de niro All forums Registered users
drsqueggy All forums Registered users
Matty All forums Registered users
shadygiz All forums Registered users
TINY All forums Registered users
Wheelsy OSC Sydney All forums Registered users

Not that many is it?

I don't envy the task though...

Even less when you consider two of them might as well not be mods for all the time they spend here.

Something does need to be done but I'm not sure what. I don't want to go down the "senior poster" route that .nob has. It's all a bit pretentious imo and just pisses people off.
I'm not exactly a prolific contributor, so little weight to my thoughts. I think y'all should be careful about what you wish for. A restricted forum (however restricted) is a very different beastie to an open forum like current Bluemoon. I really think that just ignoring the bollox is the best approach if it annoys you. After all, you don't really expect to be able to arrive at a transfer forum that isn't a knob fest? Not going to happen until the oil dries up. Perhaps you could insist that thread titles in the Transfer Forum have just the player's name as a title - one thread per player per transfer window and death to transgressors. Better to impose/promote an etiquete methinks.
I stuck this in the other one:

Ok, thinking entirely off of the top of my head (and not actually checking this with Ric or any mods), what about some sort of reputation. You can rep a poster up or down, and if a user reaches a certain threshold, the system will stop them from creating threads. Even lower, and it's an auto ban. The longer term members vote will be worth more than young members, and the members with under 50 posts cannot rep a fellow member?

I can see the code in my head to do this. Would this be an acceptable compromise?

I don't like the idea of creating two tier user systems, and this seems like a way of getting around it without any big issues. This all depends on you guys liking it enough to convince Ric and mods to let me implement it.

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