Phil and Jack on the lash?

Why wouldn’t they be?

It’s actually quite serious because they’ve gone out with the new Covid variant being out there and they could have come into training and passed it on to other players in the team, which could ultimately cost us the title if we were to subsequently drop points.

Looks like they’ve at least tested negative but not great that they couldn’t follow team orders and have put things at risk with their behaviour.
Our players have all gone out over the last week... Several of them went to the Christmas markets, Mahrez went to London with his fiance, I even saw an Instagram story of Ederson with his kids at a childrens' soft play ffs, it's nearly impossible to think of a riskier place to get infected than that lol. The article makes no mention of the covid aspect of it, the only apparent issue in Pep's eyes is that they were hungover.
Both have bits of previous and it isn't long before you start looking unprofessional and a problem. Jack hasn't exactly been ripping up any trees since he got here and Pep.has been pretty ruthless in the past with getting rid of problems and ego's, no matter how big the name. Time will tell as always, let's hope they wise up.

Pep will help them be the best players they could ever be. However he won't hesitate in fucking them off if young engerland player attitude sets in and they will be like the Derty Alli's/Madison's of this world.

Neither have made their full potential yet.
Coming into training hungover during the most important phase of the season is bad enough, but to top it off they were significantly increasing their risk of introducing covid into the squad and destroying our clear competitive advantage right now. Brain dead, the pair of them. Our squad depth is our advantage, and it’s all the more extreme an advantage when our rivals are hit with covid and we’re not. Try our fucking best to keep it that way please.

Shouldn’t Grealish be hell-bent on making a good first impression what with the opportunity of a lifetime that he’s been given? Pep is the best possible manager for these kind of situations though. If he can’t make them both more professional, nobody can.
Genuinely thought from the chat about it that they must've done a few lines of charlie, three jagerbombs each, got kicked out of 42s for starting a fight and then stumbled home at 4AM to drunkenly piss in the walk-in closet before passing out until sunset.

Looks like they just had a few too many drinks, stayed out a bit too late and were a bit hungover in the morning. Can see why Pep has to say "look, we can't be having that" but the reaction on the fan side has been over the top IMO.

Pep will help them be the best players they could ever be. However he won't hesitate in fucking them off if young engerland player attitude sets in and they will be like the Derty Alli's/Madison's of this world.

Neither have made their full potential yet.

In a nutshell yes. I have some sympathy, being young, fit, energy to burn and rich they are only human and want to have fun. Unfortunately these days it doesn't wash and ruthless winners like Pep won't tolerate it
Genuinely thought from the chat about it that they must've done a few lines of charlie, three jagerbombs each, got kicked out of 42s for starting a fight and then stumbled home at 4AM to drunkenly piss in the walk-in closet before passing out until sunset.

Looks like they just had a few too many drinks, stayed out a bit too late and were a bit hungover in the morning. Can see why Pep has to say "look, we can't be having that" but the reaction on the fan side has been over the top IMO.
Not with the covid element it’s not. We have a great chance over the coming weeks to put ourselves in a ridiculously strong position by virtue of us winning the covid lottery as things stand. If we can keep it out of our squad for as long as possible, our full squad depth versus depleted teams will be like a cheat code over this busy period. As professionals, they ought to recognise that imo. They could easily have ended up bringing covid into the changing room, then we lose that advantage. Look at how it’s fucked Chelsea. We have an edge right now and it can potentially turn the 3 horse race into quite the opposite.
Grealish has previous for this sort of thing at Villa doesn't he. He was also apparently partying with Benjamin Mendy on the night of one of his Covid-beating parties (Grealish was then a Villa player) which was one of the occasions where the rape allegations surfaced. No suggestion that Grealish did anything wrong but common sense would suggest Mendy was a person to avoid.
He was not partying with him... He was at the same event, with a different group of people. Mahrez was there as well and was actually at the same table as Mendy, funny how the papers make no mention of that
Pep flew out to Sergio's retirement do and Phil and Jack thought they would take advantage and head out on the town, which wouldn't have been too bad apart from acting like amateurs at training the next day and being too thick to realise that Pep would know nothing about it.

Tbh, I'm stil struggling to understand why we paid £100m for a knob like Grealish, I always thought he was overrated as he played for such a shit team that anyone even a quarter decent would have stood out and it's not as if he hasn't got form for speeding, attending lockdown parties and doing a runner after crashing his range rover (and alledgedly slurring his words when doing so).

I'd keep Phil well away, he seems too easily led.

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