Picking Up The Megaphone Today

jrb said:
Thanks for the constructive comments. I stand in block 110. I'll try and have a quick chat with the group of lads at the top of the block who start all the songs. Just to keep them in the loop and to ask for their support. I'll also have a chat with those stood around me, just to make sure they don't mind a bit of ear ache. Danny. Thanks for the offer. Want to keep a low profile at first. If it eventually takes off, I don't mind doing a quick interview. I've still got to email the club for the Ok, but I'm hoping it won't be a problem getting the go ahead.

Balls to a low profile - go for it!

JRB - This is your time! Your City needs you!

As long as this is about getting pro-city songs going, then I'm all for it... but PLEEEEEEEASE... no megaphone songs about that team from Trafford, a certain transportation disaster or the cringeworthy buy your club, burn it down rubbish!
howfen blue said:
timesprout said:
i was waiting for a Trigger rugby tackle for instigating standing
Exactly, I admire you're spirit op but as soon as you start anything that's not considered suitable the stewards will be in!!
Don't think we will mate I'll ask at the stwards meeting before the game .. Saying that they tend to know about these things before the game think thissite has alot to do with it !!
Should help ensure all stands sing together with prompt from jrb
I am in 119 so hope to hear you over aris tonight
Hope it works, well done for trying
I, for one, am completely 100% in favour of this initiative. Well done, you Blue!

For those of us who went to places like Poznan or Salónika you have to admit that the racket both sets of fans came up with was tremendous. OK, it might be repetitive at times and some of their songs go on for ever and ever, but we could hardly get a song going (and any that we did start was not going to be heard).

In countries like Poland, Greece and Turkey the fans use megaphones and choreographed chanting to help intimidate the opposition. In the old days (I'm talking about 25 years or so ago), many continental teams did not like playing in Engand, because the fans were right next to the playing area and the atmosphere was electric. Things, sadly, have now changed.

Aris fans tonight will be tremendous at COMS, I guarantee. A friend of mine went to see them in Madrid against Atlético and he said that they were awesome. The Frente Atlético are some of the noisiest supporters in Spain (together with Sevilla's Biris), but they were outsung and outchanted for the whole game.

And Aris won 3-2, which goes to prove that the fans can be a 12th man.

For those of us who cannot attend tonight, I look forward to seeing/hearing this on ESPN later.

Go for it!
Yeah im happy with this, not for every game, but this one I think is perfect for it

Sing it loud and sing it proud (and dont stand near me )
jrb said:
All I ask is that you cut me some slack.
I know some people are against it. That's fair enough. I have no problem with that.
As I've stated on numerous occasions, I'm not trying to take the singing section/s over. The lads in 111, 110 and 109 already do a great job. I just want to try and add to it.
All I'm asking for is a bit of support and backing at certain times during the game. Please spread the word throughout the blocks.
Also. If any of you can be bothered after the game, I wouldn't mind some honest feedback, be it good or bad.
BTW. Let's get behind the lads tonight, have a good laugh, and have a good sing song and banter with the Aris fans.

Well done.
jrb said:
All I ask is that you cut me some slack.
I know some people are against it. That's fair enough. I have no problem with that.
As I've stated on numerous occasions, I'm not trying to take the singing section/s over. The lads in 111, 110 and 109 already do a great job. I just want to try and add to it.
All I'm asking for is a bit of support and backing at certain times during the game. Please spread the word throughout the blocks.
Also. If any of you can be bothered after the game, I wouldn't mind some honest feedback, be it good or bad.
BTW. Let's get behind the lads tonight, have a good laugh, and have a good sing song and banter with the Aris fans.

Go for it mate! This is the time when the fans have to come into their own.

We have a lot of games, a wafer thin squad due to injuries so this is the time for the fans to step up to the plate to back the players and give them that lift when the legs start to get weary in the latter part of the games!

Love it that you have got the balls to do something and not just moan about it on here!

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