Piers Morgan

I have said there's many things I can agree with him on, but not this, he's virtually placed himself
as the only spokesman who will hold the govt to account, and his massively bloated ego has taken over.
I now see no reason for politicians, of any colour to go on the show,when all they get faced with
are a series of prepared attacks that he demands, incessantly, to be given a yes or no answer to,
combined with the inevitable interruption when they've outlined their response to the very first point
raised, and have no opportunity to address the rest, as his subsequent rant lasts about 5 minutes.
I hate bans, have an inbuilt aversion to them, but as a political interviewer, he's shit, stick to
the real lives celebrity stuff Piers.

normally i would agree (never been a fan of morgan), but who else is asking the hard questions while Parliament is closed?

and after watching a lot of those interviews, the politician in question gets talked over because they are either dodging the question or repeating generic bullshit that informs nobody what the fuck is going on, and how they are going to solve it. this is the moment the politicians should be acting, not "ramping up" stuff for 75 days!!

if you want easy relaxed questioning then i suggest you watch the BBC news reporters attempts - pitiful
Helen Whateley got what was coming to her.
Every time she has been on TV, before Morgan’s interview, she has been the same sneering Tory know all arse.
Watched Piers this am and his 41k dead figure really upset me , easy pickings re the incompetent care minister , he then gave largely uninterrupted coverage to his old buddy Blair . Then saw Kier Starmer politely raise issues Piers has for some time. I still can't stand Morgan but someone clearly needed to ruffle feathers re care home deaths.
I’ve felt that for years. This isn’t a Piers issue, all News presenters do it. BBC News, Newsnight, Andrew Marr, GMB, Peston, Sky News...

I can’t remember the last time I saw a politician interviewed on tele and them be allowed to answer any question without being interrupted.

May as well not give any interviews to them because we learn absolutely nothing. Just stick to BBC Parliament in the Commons where they can talk without stupid interruptions.

Louise Minchin interviewed Helen Whatley on BBC breakfast without interrupting once today.

As I have outlined, it's impossible for any politician to shine, with him interviewing.
If I could be bothered, I could put up proof of this with his interviews with Labour/Liberal
representatives, check them out.
Emily Thornberry gave as good as she got before the election. Can’t think of any others that did.
Good old piers had tony Blair in today
Asked him did he attend every cobra meeting during foot and mouth crisis.
Seemed gutted when Blair said he couldn’t remember (politician speak for like fuck did I) he then followed up by saying it was not unusual for a pm not to attend
He really is fucked when he lets someone answer a question and it’s not the answer he wants
Hence tomorrow he’ll be interrupting again.

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