Piers Morgan

Certainly gets people talking. Lots of people seem to have issues with him. He can be very rude, but he can also tie politicians down and make them squirm which I like. Johnson avoided going on their programme before the election. I wonder why. Lol
Certainly gets people talking. Lots of people seem to have issues with him. He can be very rude, but he can also tie politicians down and make them squirm which I like. Johnson avoided going on their programme before the election. I wonder why. Lol
I have said there's many things I can agree with him on, but not this, he's virtually placed himself
as the only spokesman who will hold the govt to account, and his massively bloated ego has taken over.
I now see no reason for politicians, of any colour to go on the show,when all they get faced with
are a series of prepared attacks that he demands, incessantly, to be given a yes or no answer to,
combined with the inevitable interruption when they've outlined their response to the very first point
raised, and have no opportunity to address the rest, as his subsequent rant lasts about 5 minutes.
I hate bans, have an inbuilt aversion to them, but as a political interviewer, he's shit, stick to
the real lives celebrity stuff Piers.
Certainly gets people talking. Lots of people seem to have issues with him. He can be very rude, but he can also tie politicians down and make them squirm which I like. Johnson avoided going on their programme before the election. I wonder why. Lol
That wont be anything to do with Piers Moron. All Boris had to do to win the election was keep his head down and not be Jeremy Corbyn.
Do you think she’s acquitted herself well in the last two interviews with Morgan?
As I have outlined, it's impossible for any politician to shine, with him interviewing.
If I could be bothered, I could put up proof of this with his interviews with Labour/Liberal
representatives, check them out.
As I have outlined, it's impossible for any politician to shine, with him interviewing.
If I could be bothered, I could put up proof of this with his interviews with Labour/Liberal
representatives, check them out.
I agree.
I have said there's many things I can agree with him on, but not this, he's virtually placed himself
as the only spokesman who will hold the govt to account, and his massively bloated ego has taken over.
I now see no reason for politicians, of any colour to go on the show,when all they get faced with
are a series of prepared attacks that he demands, incessantly, to be given a yes or no answer to,
combined with the inevitable interruption when they've outlined their response to the very first point
raised, and have no opportunity to address the rest, as his subsequent rant lasts about 5 minutes.
I hate bans, have an inbuilt aversion to them, but as a political interviewer, he's shit, stick to
the real lives celebrity stuff Piers.

To be honest I haven't watched much gmtv since the lockdown. I used to watch 15mins of it every morning eating my breakfast before going to work but my routine has changed the past 4weeks.

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