Piers Morgan

He's on one again,such an obnoxious prick,then he comes out with kind gestures like the 10k for Captain Moore,surely this is just an act he puts on.

He doesn't speak for me anyway
He's a self opinionated dick. He sets out to trip up his guests with semantics to make them look silly and, in his warped head, to make him look good. His interviews are dreadful and anyone can do that. They are all about him and not educating the nation.

The OP says that his sidekick now interrupts but that is just learnt behaviour that she has picked up to get a word in before Morgan does so she has a role other than twiddling with her hair and interviewing Boy George and the like.

His interview with Helen Whateley was a disgrace and attracted hundreds of complaints but for some reason people feel that this type of interviewing is okay and are happy to see ministers embarrassed. I'm not despite which party they represent.

I would prefer to listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up. GMB is the TV equivalent of The Sun. They should stick to Boy George. That's Morgan's level.

He asked Matt Hancock lat week to take a pay cut. Half an hour after saying his "Aston" was looking dirty as car washes are shut. I have a friend who once said to me, "I was running to catch a train, coffee in one hand, Gucci handbag in the other...". My point is that "car" and "handbag" would have sufficed.

To brag about having an Aston Martin then imploring a minister, who is working hard, not three days a week and earning more than the PM, to take a pay cut is the mark of him.
He's a self opinionated dick. He sets out to trip up his guests with semantics to make them look silly and, in his warped head, to make him look good. His interviews are dreadful and anyone can do that. They are all about him and not educating the nation.

The OP says that his sidekick now interrupts but that is just learnt behaviour that she has picked up to get a word in before Morgan does so she has a role other than twiddling with her hair and interviewing Boy George and the like.

His interview with Helen Whateley was a disgrace and attracted hundreds of complaints but for some reason people feel that this type of interviewing is okay and are happy to see ministers embarrassed. I'm not despite which party they represent.

I would prefer to listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up. GMB is the TV equivalent of The Sun. They should stick to Boy George. That's Morgan's level.

He asked Matt Hancock lat week to take a pay cut. Half an hour after saying his "Aston" was looking dirty as car washes are shut. I have a friend who once said to me, "I was running to catch a train, coffee in one hand, Gucci handbag in the other...". My point is that "car" and "handbag" would have sufficed.

To brag about having an Aston Martin then imploring a minister, who is working hard, not three days a week and earning more than the PM, to take a pay cut is the mark of him.
I’ve felt that for years. This isn’t a Piers issue, all News presenters do it. BBC News, Newsnight, Andrew Marr, GMB, Peston, Sky News...

I can’t remember the last time I saw a politician interviewed on tele and them be allowed to answer any question without being interrupted.

May as well not give any interviews to them because we learn absolutely nothing. Just stick to BBC Parliament in the Commons where they can talk without stupid interruptions.
I’ve felt that for years. This isn’t a Piers issue, all News presenters do it. BBC News, Newsnight, Andrew Marr, GMB, Peston, Sky News...

I can’t remember the last time I saw a politician interviewed on tele and them be allowed to answer any question without being interrupted.

May as well not give any interviews to them because we learn absolutely nothing. Just stick to BBC Parliament in the Commons where they can talk without stupid interruptions.

unfortunately the press conferences are giving these celebrity journalists the oxygen for their publicity.

they need to be scrutinised and held to account but this daily gotcha competition of who can grab a headline and catch people out isn’t really helpful. Thankfully most of the public are really pissed off with it .
That wasn't an interview, that was entertainment. I learnt nothing except the impression that Morgan cares about the public.

Too much shouting and talking over answers. We're little America and all the Trumpian bollocks that comes with it.

Piers for pm? really think he's trying to make it happen.
I’ve felt that for years. This isn’t a Piers issue, all News presenters do it. BBC News, Newsnight, Andrew Marr, GMB, Peston, Sky News...

I can’t remember the last time I saw a politician interviewed on tele and them be allowed to answer any question without being interrupted.

May as well not give any interviews to them because we learn absolutely nothing. Just stick to BBC Parliament in the Commons where they can talk without stupid interruptions.

It would probably help if they actually answered the question asked more often!

On the main subject of the thread, Moron though is about himself, and is always on an ego trip.
He's a self opinionated dick. He sets out to trip up his guests with semantics to make them look silly and, in his warped head, to make him look good. His interviews are dreadful and anyone can do that. They are all about him and not educating the nation.

The OP says that his sidekick now interrupts but that is just learnt behaviour that she has picked up to get a word in before Morgan does so she has a role other than twiddling with her hair and interviewing Boy George and the like.

His interview with Helen Whateley was a disgrace and attracted hundreds of complaints but for some reason people feel that this type of interviewing is okay and are happy to see ministers embarrassed. I'm not despite which party they represent.

I would prefer to listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up. GMB is the TV equivalent of The Sun. They should stick to Boy George. That's Morgan's level.

He asked Matt Hancock lat week to take a pay cut. Half an hour after saying his "Aston" was looking dirty as car washes are shut. I have a friend who once said to me, "I was running to catch a train, coffee in one hand, Gucci handbag in the other...". My point is that "car" and "handbag" would have sufficed.

To brag about having an Aston Martin then imploring a minister, who is working hard, not three days a week and earning more than the PM, to take a pay cut is the mark of him.

Agree with most of that but Helen Whateley summed up most of this government’s interviews so far and deserved to be asked tough questions. I couldn’t really give a shit what Morgan drives as I don’t have much interest in him. He was right to pull Hancock up about a pay cut after he’d tried to hang footballers out to dry whilst saying nothing about many tax dodging companies and billionaires etc. Double standards as usual.
Never forget, this is the piece of shit that hacked into (or overseen the hacking of) the phone of Milly Dowler and deleted messages, prompting her family to think she was still alive. Something he has never shown remorse for and still defends.

He is a puppet for Tory elites. Just because he says the odd common sense thing that people can agree with does not make him a credible TV personality. Having tantrums on live TV and interrupting people when they best your arguement just pisses me off.

He is a smarmy wanker and that other creton with the tits is trying her best to act just like him in an attempt to remove herself from the shadow of his massive ego.

Trying to take moral high ground is laughable. If he had any credibility he would be launching scathing attacks on Trumps strategies. Not a word...absolute spineless worm.
I would prefer to listen to what they have to say and make my own mind up. GMB is the TV equivalent of The Sun. They should stick to Boy George. That's Morgan's level.
By design and not coincidence. He was the editor of the News of The World, and not surprisingly during the worst excesses of that god awful rag when they were hacking phones and trying to ruin lives with the illegally obtained information. He is a rotten, poisonous twat and some comments in this thread have made me want to throw up. Hes a ****.

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