
Didsberry blue said:

The new & improved recipe is now made with a rich spicy sauce using coriander turmeric, ginger, chilli & cumin and I am sure you will like it.


No, No, and thrice No !!!!

What kind of witch is this woman ???

Coriander (aka Cilantro) is the absolute spawn of the Devil, and MUST be eradicated from the face of the earth !!

I have not been back in Blighty for 'some' time, and actually, do not even know about that of which you are speaking - these pies made from Balti.

Currants, raisins, sultanas ......... bring'em on ....... I lurve them all ...... especially in curry sauces and chutney etc. .......... but .......... coriander ....... THAT, my friends, is the final nail ............
Didsberry blue said:

I knew that "your very own" Champion Pie purveyors Hollands would listen to our comments and it appears I was right. Leanne has written back to me with the following response.


Thankyou for taking the time to write to me, I really appreciate your feedback and your mail was really interesting reading, it’s good to know you like our NEW peppered steak pie and you’re a fan of Holland’s.

In response to your feedback on our chicken Balti pies, we constantly listen to customer feedback from customers; in fact we have a pie panel made up of 15 members of the public who provide advice on how our products can be improved. Our pie panel commented that our chicken Balti pie was too sweet and lacked spice (very similar to your comments below) therefore we reviewed our recipe and will be re-launching our recipe very shortly for the new football season. The new & improved recipe is now made with a rich spicy sauce using coriander turmeric, ginger, chilli & cumin and I am sure you will like it.

I would like to send you some samples of our new & improved Chicken Balti pie recipe, please send me you address details and contact number and I will arrange delivery to you. Please let me know what you think of the new recipe as your feedback is very much valued.

Kind regards,


GET IN!!! I know most people were joking but I was quite traumatised reading this thread.

Balti pies have been a reliable source of joy on match days, and it would be terrible if they were ruined.

*Drops to knees and prays fervently* Please please please please please please .......
I owe Didsberry Blue a few jars. You have saved my life.

To quote myself on another thread and also Master Oogway - "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift - thats why they call it the present. And Chicken Balties should never ever contain sultanas but Coriander is acceptable as it is a herb, and you feel upper class to be eating a pie with herbs in it"
PMSL at this thread...........only at City would a club potentially be on the verge of breaking the top four yet 4 days before the beginning of the season, fans launch an investigation into the Balti Pie ingredients.

Blumers Bloomers said:
PMSL at this thread...........only at City would a club potentially be on the verge of breaking the top four yet 4 days before the beginning of the season, fans launch an investigation into the Balti Pie ingredients.


As someone once said. "Concentrate on the little things and let the big things take care of themselves".

Out of small balti pies, gleaming silver trophies grow.

Finally, I would welcome the inclusion of Coriander in my Balti pie. A nice little continental touch and the taste of india in a pastry bake. Perfect.
Had a Potato & Meat pie on Saturday and it was awful more like gravy no taste no chunks of spud the crust was hard it was shallow in depth compared to all the previous season's at CoMS and Maine Road was surprised to see it was Holland's in I'd give it 2/10 and previous 8/10 it cost £2.50 Bring back last season's M&P pies
Didsberry blue said:
Blumers Bloomers said:
PMSL at this thread...........only at City would a club potentially be on the verge of breaking the top four yet 4 days before the beginning of the season, fans launch an investigation into the Balti Pie ingredients.


As someone once said. "Concentrate on the little things and let the big things take care of themselves".

Out of small balti pies, gleaming silver trophies grow.

Finally, I would welcome the inclusion of Coriander in my Balti pie. A nice little continental touch and the taste of india in a pastry bake. Perfect.

Please .... please, Didsberry Blue ......... for the love of all humanity ... have a re-think on this .... this is just tooooo important for you to acquiesce to ..... coriander has been culled from the very deep, deep bottomless pits of Hades [or maybe it was Stockport?] ... either way, a fine epicurean gentleman, such as you obviously are, sir, just can't condone the addition of this Weed of Woe to what obviously is a fine masterpiece of the Balti culinary artform.

If the worst comes to the worst ........... then at least can we agree to delete both the sultanas AND the coriander from the recipe ..... and believe me, NOT having my sultanas is a very big concession on my part ..

(and for someone with a name like DidsBERRY Blue ... I can only hope, with the passing of time, that you will come to a kinder, gentler place, and see the error of your ways)

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