
DB's tone suggest he is taking the piss but I promise you he is not. In fact, when I get back from the doctors I'm going to start a new thread about this.
What's the latest gentlemen? Are they going to be available on Saturday? The last incarnation of the CB pie kept me going that season we were almost relegated with Pearce.
Great news! Heroics performed here to get rid of that inconvinient dried fruit from the balti pies. Hopefully I can remain with the chicken balti pie on saturday otherwise I will have to join the dark side with the peppered steak.
MCFC-alan88 said:
I actually can't decide whether you're serious or taking the absolute piss.

Didsberry isn't taking the piss. There's a soupçon of Wodehouse and Sterne in his style: the quality lies not in the subject-matter, but in the poetic and self-consciously ironic mode of expression.

*Pies here are horrible, even if you can get one. I miss food.*
I'm planning a one man rendition of the old squaddie song no surrender at the Wolves game - anyone care to join in?

No sultana's No sultana's
No sultana's
In the Balti Pies.....
Brucie Bonus said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
I actually can't decide whether you're serious or taking the absolute piss.

Didsberry isn't taking the piss. There's a soupçon of Wodehouse and Sterne in his style: the quality lies not in the subject-matter, but in the poetic and self-consciously ironic mode of expression.

*Pies here are horrible, even if you can get one. I miss food.*

There's a soupcon of that Virgin complaint letter as well, but it's done the trick!
Brucie Bonus said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
I actually can't decide whether you're serious or taking the absolute piss.

Didsberry isn't taking the piss. There's a soupçon of Wodehouse and Sterne in his style: the quality lies not in the subject-matter, but in the poetic and self-consciously ironic mode of expression.

*Pies here are horrible, even if you can get one. I miss food.*

No - He`s more of a classics man than that - more Haracian in his musings
Having been vegetarian for more than 20 years, I can only comment on the old vegetarian Balti pies, which were fine and sultana-free, and before that the Cheese and Onion pies [more traditional chippy fare] under the odl Kippax.The chips were certainly better at Maine Road.

I did fall between Halal and veggie in the mid-eighties and once had to eat three meat and potato pies at the Hawthorns with BB [the D-list chap], based on a City goal being scored every time we went to the pie stand, which was just over the back and out of view of the pitch. We won 3-2 [I think Simmo got the winner], we missed the goals but had a great night out in Brum, fuelled on by the Black Country's finest baking. Real pies for real men in days now long gone, sadly.
Thanks to those who posted kind comments following the 'sultanagate' scandal and the tremendous result achieved of having sultanas removed from Hollands Chicken Balti pie. In the end it was a victory for common sense and tradition and sends a clear message to anyone who believes that dried fruit belongs in a savoury snack. That message is 'dont be so stupid, this is a pie not a cake". Initially, I felt that the Mark II pie had risen from the dead like Lazarus himself. However, after conferring with my fellow taste testers (including the venerable pie connoisseur Didsbury Dave) I have come to the conclusion that what we have in fact achieved is somewhat of a pyrrhic victory. I was so focused on the the sultana aspect that I missed a vital point in my appraisal.

On reflection, the Mark II pie is still too sweet. It has lovely spices, cracking pastry and sumptuous fillings but has a sweetness that over the course of a season could push me into the arms of a peppered steak pie or god forbid a sausage roll.

I should probably point out that it may just be a matter of taste and I'm sure some of you will be thinking "that Didsberry Blue, he needs to make his bleeding mind up" and to a point you are right. However, as I'm sure Didsbury Dave will vouch, its a creeping sweetness that at first flashes its eyelashes at you and draws you in, making you think you have found the perfect pastry, but then pretty soon starts to nag at you and forces you to look at other wome......pies.

Maybe, I should let nature take its course and let blues everywhere cast their own judgement. I know I have championed the cause up to now and spearheaded our campaign against the despicable sultana but perhaps the time has come to step down from the pastry plinth and allow other blues and market forces to dictate the future success of the Mark II pie.

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