Pitch Invasion?

What entitled them to tickets at our biggest home game of the season I wonder? And wearing red ffs
same as the mob in dark blue shirts in the north stand. A chance to win the title and the club gives tickets to people with no connection to the club. I don't care if there would have been empty seats had we blown the title in the last couple of weeks, I want real City fans there on the final day.
It’s a real hardship having to wait at the most 15 mins

Unless of course you usually have left on the 80th minute
It's not just 15 minutes though is it? It's 15 minutes on top of the twenty minutes they spent fucking about building the presentation stage. I left the ground as the players passed my spot on the north east corner and it was over an hour after the game finished.
As to pitch invasions in general: The club should either ban everyone identified or STFU and accept it is going to happen. They should certainly save thousands of pounds wasted on stewards who just stand and watch.
Wouldn’t it have been nice to watch the player’s reaction at the end of the match to celebrate a historic 4 in a row instead of a pitch invasion. Never mind it will never happen stopping them, I for one find it tedious and it spoils the atmosphere.
Bollocks. It's far better to watch a bunch of Muppets cavorting about on the pitch. According to some.
Fortunately the bar in our block was open briefly so we managed to get a pint and just chill until everyone was off the pitch, perfect.
Lucky you, we were all very dehydrated as no options for water, kids were desperate for water
Some right fannies on here.
I went on the pitch again, loved every second of it and got off in ample time.

Let the fans have their moment.

We follow them across the country with shit infrastructure and train strikes, sipping on flat overpriced piss as we are told we are cheats who have no history and make no atmosphere. Think we're due a few minutes to celebrate.

Those that went on before the final whistle need a telling off.
For me the invasion yesterday summed up large elements of society. Selfish and more arsed about themselves and a pic they can stick online. Anyone who truly respected the lads achievement would’ve allowed them time to enjoy the moment when the whistle went as opposed to having to flee for their safety from a load of dickheads. I’m very proud of how the club and players conduct themselves as a rule, our players don’t talk shite in interviews like TAA et al. They don’t respond to pundits jibes and we allow journalists to write bollocks all the while maintaining our dignity. We are a club who is belittled but behave properly. Yesterday’s antics were small time and embarrassing. Nowt to do with being boring etc just wanted to see the players I love get to enjoy a special historic event.
Wouldn’t it have been nice to watch the player’s reaction at the end of the match to celebrate a historic 4 in a row instead of a pitch invasion. Never mind it will never happen stopping them, I for one find it tedious and it spoils the atmosphere.
That’s my feeling. I hate the players having to leg it off the pitch at the final whistle. They should be able to celebrate together on the pitch.

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