PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

A reminder from Lord Pannick about taking on an almost certain losing case……

People think maybe I can sprinkle some magic dust on their cases – but some cases aren’t winnable. I spend much of my time saying, “Stop, you’ll lose.” Then I hear the words, “This is a matter of principle.” It’s the client’s prerogative. My role is to contribute to justice by making sure that the client’s side is fully argued.’

I would imagine for every KC that wins, there is a loser.
50% of all civil litigants end up losing.
Fucking Jordan again chuntering about Citys perceived procrastination when we are a defendant clearly in dispute with an aggressive plaintiff.

Somehow at our behest we can hugely expedite this hearing as we have previously expressed a wish to "have it dealt with quickly", even when the timelines are being laid down by the independant commission. He states this facetiously of course as if that somehow insinuates deliberate delay by City or its advocates which in turn of course points to "guilt" or "avoidance".

Then because he sued Dowie and thinks he knows the civil law procedures extrapolated an appeal process, because we've been found in breach of course, by which we somehow appeal to CAS and the process lasts until 2030!

Now previously I thought he was being deliberately provocative in his statements for triggering listeners as is talkshites modus operandi. However its now quite clear he does in fact know fuck all about our case or the hearings process and is as ill informed as your average Arsenal fan, just says it without that fucking awful narf Landan accent.
Henry Winter in the Times stated then that City had tried to kick UEFA case into the long grass. He gave no evidence of this nor a reason why we would do that. He repeated this nonsense a few weeks ago re the current case saying: “The case should not be delayed by lawyers.”
Henry, it is called DUE PROCESS.
Assuming we prove our innocence then this is still bad news. Proceedings start in late summer and could go on for months which is going to weigh upon our rebuilding plans going forward. How would potential signings look at this? What about present players? Only those with total belief will find us appealing but the Media outlets already are feasting on the potential of a meltdown. As the media world well knows, bad news is good news. We need an uplift, any uplift, and quick.
Assuming we prove our innocence then this is still bad news. Proceedings start in late summer and could go on for months which is going to weigh upon our rebuilding plans going forward. How would potential signings look at this? What about present players? Only those with total belief will find us appealing but the Media outlets already are feasting on the potential of a meltdown. As the media world well knows, bad news is good news. We need an uplift, any uplift, and quick.
It's not getting any better unfortunately.

@projectriver has said that if Mike Keegan is correct with his timings then we could expect a judgement around mid 2025. As both parties have the right of appeal and if one did he'd expect that to conclude around mid 2026.
Henry Winter in the Times stated then that City had tried to kick UEFA case into the long grass. He gave no evidence of this nor a reason why we would do that. He repeated this nonsense a few weeks ago re the current case saying: “The case should not be delayed by lawyers.”
Henry, it is called DUE PROCESS.

This is the thing that cracks me up the most. The same people who probably were incessantly saying "Russell Brand is innocent until proven guilty" are unwilling to allow City to hire a legal team to prove their innocence. Everton were found guilty of their single charge really quickly, whilst City's 115 charges are taking far too long. No one knows what the charges are - just summarised as FFP breaches. No one knows what the specific rules are, they just think it's a case of City cooking the books - something Everton tried to do with the stadium naming but weren't then able to when Usmanov was sanctioned. Yet people feel for them getting such a heavy punishment!

And more critically, no one seems to question the whole fucking point of FFP! Why do people care if City spent money. What's the alternative?! If you're a red shirt then fine, I get why you'd hate it. But fans of all the other clubs should be fuming that FFP exists. It's not financial fair play, it's the history boys blocking new money.
Anyone else finding that you can't get more than four or five sentences into a conversation about City's charges before the other party exposes that they don't have a clue what they're on about?

That post earlier about us being in a 'post-truth society' really hits home. They've seen some bloke on Twitter say that 'City only got off on a technicality last time' and they all believe it.
This is brilliant :)

Parry will never tell why he resigned from Uefa.The red tops are the real cancers of the Game in the way theyve tried to eliminate competition but of course their paid shills in the media will never report the truth.If this was Liverpool or Trafford red socks the case would never of seen the light of day.
Maybe it would have been reported but only as ‘115 minor’ offences.
The PL has put a timeframe of 12 weeks to conclude P&S cases so that any punishment is in the season that the case is heard. There are then exceptional cases (ours currently) that fall outside this timeframe.
Assuming we prove our innocence then this is still bad news. Proceedings start in late summer and could go on for months which is going to weigh upon our rebuilding plans going forward. How would potential signings look at this? What about present players? Only those with total belief will find us appealing but the Media outlets already are feasting on the potential of a meltdown. As the media world well knows, bad news is good news. We need an uplift, any uplift, and quick.
Maybe this is exactly what the red cartel wanted when they forced the PL to rush out a load of absurd allegations?

Maybe its the red cartel now pushing the PL to delay the process?

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