PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Fuck the lot of em, we’ve had a lot worse happen to us, I ain’t going to waste valuable time, energy and emotion worrying about what a load of corrupt cunts want to do to our brilliant club. I’m just going to enjoy Pep and the brilliant football our team plays. Fuck them all, CMON CITY
Anyone else finding that you can't get more than four or five sentences into a conversation about City's charges before the other party exposes that they don't have a clue what they're on about?

That post earlier about us being in a 'post-truth society' really hits home. They've seen some bloke on Twitter say that 'City only got off on a technicality last time' and they all believe it.

I can't say I've ever discussed it with anyone, and nobody has ever brought it up with me either.

I'm not worried about it at all, and I've no idea how this thread got to over 3000 pages.
chatted to an oldham mate yesterday he asked about allegations and how i feel
i replied yep maybe creative accounting but who doesnt do that
but the big picture who's missed out most with city winning rags liverpool then arsenal and the mighty spurs now were getting down to reason bitter jealous clubs missing out on what they think they have divine rights to win so easier to besmirch our name in meida than win on pitch and invest money in clubs
Ian i never thought of it like that and changed my views on it all
how many more only see one side
Directors being led by social meeja FFS no wonder our country is fked!! You at least expect some critical, objective analysis from people who's decisions affect workers mortgages etc! Thats a fenuine worry.
Tbh, I think they may well be just switching off their normal cognitive functions for a leisure activity - but it does show how easy it is for the masses to be led by the nose.
Anyone else finding that you can't get more than four or five sentences into a conversation about City's charges before the other party exposes that they don't have a clue what they're on about?

That post earlier about us being in a 'post-truth society' really hits home. They've seen some bloke on Twitter say that 'City only got off on a technicality last time' and they all believe it.
I was ashamed of myself the other night, played soccer in City top and few of us went for a pint after and the end of the Arsenal game was on. There’s 3 old geezers, all arse fans, watching it. They must have had a few but kept staring at me with city top on, eventually the eldest who must have been in his 80’s comes over, leans in to our conversation and starts verbally assaulting us, lol, with all the usual cliches as you’ve said above. I had him in knots as he didn’t have a clue, couldn’t answer what charges were, couldn’t get his head around our fine last time being for non-cooperation and not cheating etc, but the silly old **** just wouldn’t let it go and is practically spitting on me he’s raging so much by this point. I then had to lower myself to telling him to get the fuck out of the pub and called him a wanker, hahaha.
I was ashamed of myself the other night, played soccer in City top and few of us went for a pint after and the end of the Arsenal game was on. There’s 3 old geezers, all arse fans, watching it. They must have had a few but kept staring at me with city top on, eventually the eldest who must have been in his 80’s comes over, leans in to our conversation and starts verbally assaulting us, lol, with all the usual cliches as you’ve said above. I had him in knots as he didn’t have a clue, couldn’t answer what charges were, couldn’t get his head around our fine last time being for non-cooperation and not cheating etc, but the silly old **** just wouldn’t let it go and is practically spitting on me he’s raging so much by this point. I then had to lower myself to telling him to get the fuck out of the pub and called him a wanker, hahaha.
Well it sounds like he is a wanker and to think that some poor fuckers somewhere have probably had to listen to this guy when he's pissed for over half a century.
That’s fine, it’s all a game of opinions at the end of the day.

Ultimately though, the club say they have ‘irrefutable evidence’ that the charges are bollocks. To see this evidence is to kill the case stone dead, there is that little ambiguity.

That then only leaves two scenarios.

1. The club have this evidence, have decided under legal advice to not engage with the investigation (very likely to avoid falling foul of a fishing expedition) and accept non-compliance charges that will result in a hefty fine

2. The club have provided all of this evidence, the PL and some of the UKs top legal minds, people who pick and choose their cases, have seen this evidence and still plowed ahead in a case of such corporate negligence it makes Gerald Rayner look a visionary, and thrown in non-compliance charges for a laugh also.

My point was a simple one - a poster said if City are found not guilty of all charges they should ‘sue everyone’, but unless it’s a case of scenario 2 above, it’s simply not possible, and if it’s scenario 2 at the end of the day, the PL executives and KC’s who saw ‘irrefutable evidence’ and pushed on would have being sued way down their list of concerns.

Also fine, but whilst it would be absolutely hilarious if all the PL have is the UEFA case that they want to retry, it stretches extremely thin the concept of plausibility that some of the UKs top KCs would be willing to put their reputations and their chambers’ reputations on the line to try that case again, especially with the weightiest allegations having already been found unsubstantiated by CAS. These guys earn millions of pounds a year and pick and choose their cases, they’re not taking this case for money or because they’re secretly Arsenal/Liverpool/United fans.

In that scenario, any KC worth their salt would be advising the club to ‘take a pinch’ if it were offered as some of the Walter Mittys would have you believe the PL have been desperate for. It’s not just SM who can make decisions anymore either, there are important shareholders with a lot of money on the line, it would be negligence of the highest order to refuse a settlement if offered no matter how confident you are.

If in 18 months time the ruling comes out and it turns out the PL had nothing more than the UEFA case, ran with it anywhere and got torn apart at the tribunal, I’ll be on here celebrating with you, trying to avoid a double hernia from laughing so hard, but for the reasons above, I just don’t see any plausible scenario that the PL and KCs would be that reckless, even with the pressure other clubs and an incoming independent regulator no doubt put them under.
Although it may not look like it, we are not going before the court of public opinion, in fact to the club as a corporate body it matters little, why should it, most of them are rival fans and whatever the evidence or outcome they will come to the conclusion that is biased to their own beliefs, so it quite pointless releasing the evidence, plus I have never known a case criminal or civil or even tribunal whereas the defence has released the evidence to the public prior to any hearing.

Have you even considered that some of the defence evidence might be commercially sensitive and subject to confidentiality issues,

On to your other points, it does appear to be a rerun of the UAFA case, because quite simply there is nothing else to go on unless the PL have forensically examined the finances of the club prior to the charges being levied, we know they have not done that because the club would not allow it plus it sets a dangerous president that would send Chairmen running for the hills

There is a lot of politics involved in this, the PL don't want an independent regulator (I wonder why) City don't have a problem with it, it seems that the PL decided to offer up City as a sacrificial lamb in order to prove they can govern themselves and take appropriate action, guilt or innocence does not matter just the fact they have shown that they are doing something about football finance
Sue who for what?

Even in the absolute best case scenario that this is all a wild goose chase, trying to rehash the UEFA case, the fact still remains that City could’ve put this to bed at any time in the past 5 years, rather than clam up on legal advice and refuse to respond to the PL’s fishing trips.

No court in the world is going to rule jn your favour for something you could’ve actively prevented.
We could have actively prevented it ? You win bollocks of the year award
I was ashamed of myself the other night, played soccer in City top and few of us went for a pint after and the end of the Arsenal game was on. There’s 3 old geezers, all arse fans, watching it. They must have had a few but kept staring at me with city top on, eventually the eldest who must have been in his 80’s comes over, leans in to our conversation and starts verbally assaulting us, lol, with all the usual cliches as you’ve said above. I had him in knots as he didn’t have a clue, couldn’t answer what charges were, couldn’t get his head around our fine last time being for non-cooperation and not cheating etc, but the silly old **** just wouldn’t let it go and is practically spitting on me he’s raging so much by this point. I then had to lower myself to telling him to get the fuck out of the pub and called him a wanker, hahaha.

Sadly I can only see this becoming more common. The press/media are stirring hatred towards us fans.
We need to try and leak more stories in the press on Everton.

How much did they spend in wages at that time and how much on transfer fees.

This team have been deducted 10 points, but yet spent less then x, y, z etc.

I know it’s not that simple, but people have sympathy for Everton they do not have for us. Let’s get it spelt out for them and then get details on where are spending was compared to others during this time.

I think people genuinely believe City spent 100’s of millions more than everyone else.

Then get the message out there owners voted for these rules, so that they could get profit and stay in the PL without spending as much etc. All this turkeys voting for Christmas people say, didn’t happen it was owners voting for them (not for the wishes of the fans etc).

I genuinely most fans would be happy and consider it fairer play (no wonder they had to rename it) if they had an amount all clubs could spend up to for example £500 million on amortisation and wages. If you earn more great, keep the profit, if you earn less owner can invest if they wish.

Would het more variety of winners, better competition and anyone can still have the dream.

These kind of conversations and stories is what is needed to change public opinion, which would make a tougher punishment less likely.

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