PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Why would the pl not allow CAS ?

To allow CAS would prove that the pl have acted correctly if both CAS and pl agree. It would provide that the pl have acted correctly and fairly, surely the pl would want that back up

Pl sound just like the school bully.
I believe its because CAS is a Swiss based court and has no jurisdiction over soley UK matters.
I read today's BBC website which contained this article on AI.

Is it possible that legal proceedings could also be targeted to deal with the thousands of paper documents our people provided.?
Probably even letter writing is still charged at a manual hourly rate.

Probably not the correct thread but I suspect the NHS inability to even get a standard computer system to work suggests AI is needed to weed out admin constraints.
Off topic but the NHS computer system is far from standard, and it mostly works. Not really sure what you mean by weeding out "admin constraints" using AI.
Sue who for what?

Even in the absolute best case scenario that this is all a wild goose chase, trying to rehash the UEFA case, the fact still remains that City could’ve put this to bed at any time in the past 5 years, rather than clam up on legal advice and refuse to respond to the PL’s fishing trips.

No court in the world is going to rule jn your favour for something you could’ve actively prevented.
Surely the PL could have 'actively prevented' all this dogshit first as they started it all off, and snidily too........ so why would any court in the world rule in their favour. All will be revealed in the fullness of time eh?
Off topic but the NHS computer system is far from standard, and it mostly works. Not really sure what you mean by weeding out "admin constraints" using AI.
Sorry if I am out of date but working fully integrated medical computer systems have been in operation around the world for many years yet the UK has in the past spent billions on one that did not.

Perhaps I am wrong but change is usually resisted by those it affects. Certainly I see surgeons are using robotics etc but is change for efficiency something admin staff want?
Disagree here. I would say there are no grounds to sue the PL that we know of.

For me, there are big questions around the appointment of Masters as PL executive. If two specific clubs were allowed to decide on his appointment then is that right? Also, as he was fourth choice, I would want to know why the top 3 turned the role down. Was there anything being asked if them that they didn't agree with?

Regarding material damage it's tricky like you say. But if we had nothing hanging over us and had been praised all over by the media, would that have helped us sign Bellingham or Rice? Nobody knows their true reasoning for turning us down - could doubts over any punishment have influenced them?
Thought the 3rd candidate took the job then resigned in a matter of weeks.
IMHO it's been put out there to distance ourselves from the Everton case and get the red shirts back in their box for a while .the timing of this story is very convenient to me .
Neither BBC or Sky are running
IMHO it's been put out there to distance ourselves from the Everton case and get the red shirts back in their box for a while .the timing of this story is very convenient to me .
Neither the BBC or Sky are running the story yet so we don't actually know.It won't stop slimy Stone asking the question later today though!
Although I'm no expert, my understanding(from listening to others, like Stefan) is that the main charges aren't based on the PL's version FFP which were introduced as late as 2013. They seem like charges of dishonest accounting, concealment, false reporting etc. I don't think the Mancini, image rights or non-cooperation accusations come under the FFP regulations either. It's all in the regular ruleset.

There are some references to adhering to UEFA's FFP regulations though which were introduced in 2011.

The PL have to govern their regulations in accordance with English law and a 6 year limitation would normally apply. However, that is not the case for accusations of concealment, which is how they are able to go back so far.

I think the PL has already explored any time barring issues before they brought the charges and City's side has already done the same. That doesn't mean they have sufficient evidence to a comfortable satisfaction though. Also, if City do have irrefutable evidence, then even if the PL think they've got something now, they will know they don't quite quickly at the arbitration.

Hopefully anyway.

For me, my mind keeps coming back to the fact that UEFA claimed they had proven their allegations to a comfortable satisfaction in accordance with Swiss law. They seemed to have briefed the press: "There is no way we have got this wrong, our AC panel are law experts". They tried to penalise a club on that basis("we've proven it") and we only found out they were wrong/lying thanks to CAS. CAS were the ones who got slated, when it definitely should have been UEFA, that should not be forgotten either.

Having no route to a different body/court is still a concern for me, I understand these are professionals but we were told the same of the CFCB. As I alluded to above, none of those who worked on the CFCB arbitration suffered reputational damage for bringing an incorrect verdict, that I saw.

If City feel the commission isn't independent after all, or that they aren't giving the proper due process, then City are pretty much screwed. If UEFA were allowed to select another panel of arbitrators, I have no doubt they would have backed their buddies on the first verdict by default.

The independent regulator can't come soon enough if only for piece of mind. Hopefully it(no route to take it elsewhere) turns out not to be an issue at all, we'll have to wait and see.

A few of those who were involved in our wrongful conviction within UEFAs internal process are major players in this PL process - which is a bit worrying. UEFA should have gone back and investigated its own process and its officers - but it certainly doesn’t look like they did.
A few of those who were involved in our wrongful conviction within UEFAs internal process are major players in this PL process - which is a bit worrying. UEFA should have gone back and investigated its own process and its officers - but it certainly doesn’t look like they did.
Parry will never tell why he resigned from Uefa.The red tops are the real cancers of the Game in the way theyve tried to eliminate competition but of course their paid shills in the media will never report the truth.If this was Liverpool or Trafford red socks the case would never of seen the light of day.
they really dont need years to go through the charges of the self reported Chelsea cheatings. I want to see them charged asap, have the media spend two days with it and then sweep it under the carpet.

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