PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I know the players are well rewarded financially, but if i was a player like Vinny and the other guys i would be fucking fuming, not only have they had to play against 12 men half the time there achievements are in no way helped by the accounting department
Who's accounting department?
Very low chance. The window for diplomacy/settlement has probably passed now.
Do we not have until the 23rd to present our “irrefutable evidence”. All hypothetical I suppose. The premier league has already won the trial by media. Is it really beyond the realms of possibility that diplomacy is not ongoing behind the scenes? At the very least dialogue between the premier and city would need to be established. Discussions surrounding diplomatic relations is a given imo. Politics and big business go hand in hand.

Caught up with the thread…hallelujah -:)
Perhaps there’s a third element…. The PL agree to drop this shit show at the PMs request but get some concessions re the Independent Regulator ?
Any independent regulator would be useless unless they have experience of football at the highest level, and they'd have to be connected to a top club to get that experience. Consequently they won't be independent; though their bias may be in a different direction to that of the PL and their pet cartel of cry-baby clubs.
Imagine, a buyer for your club is asking you how can they become the best, the leading light, when City are overshadowing you in every way?

How would you respond as a board, in the desperation to get a deal, when you have real sway on a commercial partner?

Anyway, let’s do our part on Sunday. Give them your all.
Appreciate everyone has different views on this. I know some of our fans would be disgusted if the accusations were proven. I know that the majority don’t think we have broken any rules and I know some won’t ever believe that even if we get found guilty.

Personally do not give a fuck if we have cooked the books and looked for as many loopholes as possible over the years to enable the owners to invest their own money in making us a competitive club. Everyone knows the rules were introduced and advocated for by the elite clubs to try to stop City and prevent another power club developing in England and same for Europe with PSG and City. Having to try and disguise our owners investment is a result of bullshit anti competition rules, it’s not like match fixing or cheating in a sporting sense. Why should the rags and scousers be the clubs with access to the biggest budget for transfers and wages every single season forever? How does a mid - lower table team ever get a right to challenge and then if they somehow did (Leicester) how would they ever stay at the top?

I find it very unlikely we haven’t flouted some rules to some extent when looking at our revenue and expenditure each year - what that looks like and whether that constitutes the seriousness of accusations is a different matter. I also find it unlikely that other clubs haven’t done this to some extent.

What I would care about is us getting caught. Absolutely careless if it transpires those Der Spiegel emails ended up showing the PL the trail to follow. Why were they ever sent from club email accounts etc.

If guilty it would never tarnish what we have achieved in my eyes - we’d never have achieved any success if we hadn’t found ways for our owners to invest their money but it would always be used against us and would tarnish the Guardiola City era in the eyes of the wider footballing world when it should be remembered as one of if not the greatest premier league side. Additionally, if guilty and kicked out the league I fear the existing FFP / investment rules would no doubt be amended to prevent us from ever climbing all the way back to the very top and competing for the league / CL.

Fingers crossed our lawyers do their job and we can stick 2 fingers up to the rest of the league who are so fucking desperate for our demise.

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