PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Highly unlikely as it's taken four years of investigation to get to this point.

You’d assume so but, what if the PL have turned up little of substance but the hateful eight won’t take no for an answer and are demanding shit is thrown?
I think that's significantly more likely. Having announced that it will go to an independent panel, the idea it doesn't make it that far seems remote. As has already been stated, if we were going to use diplomatic pressure then wouldn't it have been used long before now?
Suggesting they may not invest in the U.K. when nothings actually been agreed or signed is pretty much a none existent threat, they can’t lose what they don't have and spoken words mean fuck all.
However, now a deals been signed to invest and that investment is very much a real entity, it’s far more powerful to use it as a threat to suggest said deal may now publicly collapse.
The government have had the deal in the media, it’s out there, to then have a statement from the UAE stating their displeasure at being called cheats, liars, tax frauds etc etc so the deals in jeopardy is so much more of an impact than threatening to pull out pre any PL charges were announced.
Regardless of if the owners have had a word, the government will be twitchy and watching this intently. I’d also be surprised if they hadn’t already contacted the PL as an FYI.

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