PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

From the BBC, is Kevin Parker really the GS of the supporters club?? If so would he (or any City fan) say that the past achievements would be tainted??
Has an unfortunate habit of feeding people exactly the line they're looking for.
Just like the UEFA accusations, it seems that everyone outside of City, has decided we are guilty. The reporting across 99% of all media is running this narrative barring the odd individual e.g. Martin Samuel.

I understand the mechanisms behind this is largely playing to the red teams fans and generating income but for any journalists reading this forum, and I am sure there will be a few, I challenge you to consider that City might just be the victim in all of this. I challenge you to at least consider that we may not be guilty and that a bigger political game is at play whereby an established cartel of clubs are unhappy with the nouveau riche and the impact on their revenues and status within the game.

I challenge you to look into the UEFA / CAS trial and see that from millions of emails and documents only a handful were used as evidence and that evidence had been doctored and misinterpreted but the end game was never for UEFA to win but to smear the name of City. This again is playing out and maybe, just maybe the PL don’t care if the charges stick they just want the club stained regardless.

I challenge you to dig and investigate the other clubs motives and conversations as well as their financial dealings. There is plenty already documented about offshore accounts, agent bungs, the lfc hacking scandal but seldom discussed. IF City have any financial mis dealings do you honestly believe all other 19 PL clubs are squeaky clean? Why, despite plenty of evidence in the public domain of particular red shirt clubs’ finance mis dealings is there no PL investigation or public outcry, media witch hunt?

Don’t follow the pack, stand out, and challenge the lazy, thinly veiled racist narrative of Middle Eastern dirty oil money and clean and white US dollar.
Why the fuck has Kevin Parker made his views public. We aren’t guilty of anyone, nothing will be tainted. He is either very naive, needs his ego boosting or both. Absolute stupidity. Why, just why?
I don't think what he said was that terrible, but he should have the sense to know that a journalist randomly contacting him for comment is just trying to keep the foot on citys throat and drag us through shit. The fact is that this is probably now a none-story for months/years while the inquiry gathers info and we prepare our defence. The media are just bottom feeders desperate to keep this at the top of the page along with stories about how great the rags are.
I assume peps press conference is 1.30pm today as usual. That is gonna be good viewing. Hope he tears them a new one!

I'm pretty certain that he's been briefed on this, and I hope he is as short in his answers as politeness will permit. This whole affair is now “sub judice” in a manner of speaking, and it would be very ill advised for Pep to wade in on it. He was told by the club that everything in the running of it was above board, and it was on that basis that he came here. He wouldn't have otherwise. If I were him, I'd simply repeat that, patiently to the journalists who are hard of hearing.

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