PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The usual suspects first approached ITV with the idea of the breakaway but didn't reach agreement, Sky came along later. Not sure why you think we were in Div.2, we were founder members of the PL!
I’m talking about when the Sky 4/5 agreed their deal. The full PL signing by us and the rest came later. As I say, my memory of the timeline went down the drain in an alcoholic haze!
I think this guy needs to engage his brain before his lips move. People won't read this, they'll just see the headline as an admission of guilt. It's fucking staggering that he's the spokesman for the supporters club. He was at it last year putting his foot in his mouth. Mr Parker, please use your spider senses in future and so fuck all !!!
I'm not sure there's many on here, If any, who have said our trophies will be tainted if we are found guilty. Something he seems to say willingly.

Correct. Nothing will alter the fact that we disrupted an ugly cartel. Or that we’ve played the best football ever seen in England.
Well not yet it hasn't. City were able to swallow the £10 mill fine. As I said though I didn't agree with it as by paying it, we only strengthened them & their argument that City were guilty of something. And gave them another load of dosh to spend on legal fees against us.
To answer your 2nd point I have no idea as I don't know the outcome yet. Anyone firing shots across City's bow are not going to help us yes I agree. Hopefully Mr Pannick will have a strong legal case to defend City and we will carry on as before. Playing great football, buying top players, investing in youth and the local community, expanding the stadium, keeping Pep and the worlds top players happy in their job of winning trophies, expanding CFG etc etc.
You forgot; fucking up the rags and dippers. Otherwise, good stuff.
I do understand about the media, in two of my other roles before retirement I had a lot of dealings with them. :-)

However so has Kevin Parker and I just feel he should also know how to deal with them by now. You are correct when you say he has been a little naïve and just feel that he should be experienced enough by now. However we just have to accept that these things come to try us I guess!! :-)

He doesn't have to say anything to them.

"Hello, this is the BBC. Can we have an interview?"

"No, fuck off, you lying toads."

Problem solved.
... which is less than £400K/wk obviously - different rates are applied when the cases are lengthy. I know where I am, the 4 partners have charge out rates of £275 per qtr of an hour - but its very rare a client gets charged £1,100 for an hour of their time.

That's just so they can charge phone calls, if its anything like where I worked. :)
Just considering Kevin Parker's comments about tainted trophies:
You'll never taint the feeling of Agueroooooooooo 93:20. Utter depression turned to sheer joy in the blink of an eye. Hugging strangers in the stands and then from the ground to the car.
Standing outside Selhurst Park hearing about Slippy G then winning five in a row,
Being at Southampton when Gabby Jesus chipped in for 100 points.
Being behind the goal at Brighton when Mahrez curled in that beauty to put us 3-1 up and effectively seal the title. And of course watching from the stands as 0-2 against Villa became 3-2.
And of course all the other stuff we've won, but I mentioned those as it's a PL stich-up.
You can't taint those memories, nor can you put an asterisk by them.
Scaring refs so they don't give correct decisions (and outspending all other teams) is OK, and being sponsored by a company linked to money laundering for criminal organisations is OK, but playing the best football ever seen is against the rules. The Premier League is not fit for purpose and never has been.
Good work there pal. What a shame nobody had time (or the inclination seeing as they all except you and Neville want us with all their might to be guilty) to push Carragher on why he feels FFP was brought in seeing as he absolutely believes it wasn’t to stop City dead in their tracks.

Cheers mate. I think I got Neville agreeing with me on that in the end which was a big win!

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