PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

After the bombshell being dropped, and having now nearly a week to reflect and take everything is very plain to see that there are many games being played out here and that our club is being put centre circle

We have the PL not wanting an independent regulator to run the game - so before the white paper was due to be released they throw the charges (rushed it out) to somehow show that they can in fact regulate on there own. The white paper has now been delayed by 2 weeks - so the question here is why don't the PL want an independent regulator to govern? Are they in fact hiding major wrong doings that have gone at other clubs and been swept under a very big grubby rug

If that is the case then fingers crossed we will bring up past accounts of others that the PL have never held to account

Then we have the supposed takeovers of the rags and dippers...are the PL trying to stop the running by an independent regulator so that these 2 can infact be bought out and signed off by the PL?

I honestly think the PL don't want any independent regulator to takeover because they are afraid they won't be able to no longer protect the cartel clubs and they are also afraid of what may be uncovered and found in the locker
Yeah, there's nowt like a steaming laundry where the sheets are full of shite and someone has the opportunity to ask questions.

"Could the chief exec explain why MCFC were fined for invading the pitch at the end of the Villa game, and was this 'punishment' the same one meted out when a PL game had to be abandoned at OT?"
Can’t agree more with that last paragraph & the delay got me thinking, we are supporters of new governance, am I right in thinking the only 1 of the big 6 ? and there doesn’t or hasn’t appeared to be, a good reason for the delay ? So I just wonder if those behind the White paper are re-drafting it to cover in more detail ffp, the process of appeals, and other related issues, which may in turn benefit us legally. There’s no doubt these charges where rushed out ahead of the publication of the white paper, but the PL may have snookered themselves
Think it is us and Chelsea who are in favour of the independent regulator
I watched it and on the one hand it does make us blues feel slightly less anxious. On the other hand, I think that surely the PL lawyers have told the PL about the high standard of proof required and yet they have pressed ahead anyway.

They’ve seen what happened at CAS, I don’t see why would the PL push ahead, unless their own lawyers have told them that they have something like the level of proof required to win?
Yes, that nags at the back of my mind too. Have they got something we don’t know about?
Alternatively, PL decided to go ahead in order to put an end to constant pressure from the redshirts.
Yeah but liverpool lost out and we've done the same as city, developed the training facilities and academy structure. Developed the stadium from 48k to 61k not in debt except operational debts so we have stuck to the model, we also find young players, showcase them and sell them on eg sterling 1.5m sold 49.5m suarez 22m sold for 74m Couthino 12m sold for 142m solanke free sold for 20m nico Williams academy sold for 15m plus we did a brilliant deal with Nike and standard charter and pushed on developing of the field activities.
Agree utd but the argument is they have 500m fan base and recoup more than they spend legitimately
Chelsea 618m in 6 months like you say extended contracts but fa have said the from next season ffp will be on the contracts averaged over 5 years so they will come unstuck.

You have a loyal fan base who have been screwed over by the clubs way of accounting and alleged sponsors all being fabricated and not existing. I think they will fine yous and that's all, get some money In the FA bank account.. Please help what can I write back too this Liverpool fans without the obvious murderers shit. Sick of getting shit now.

From today’s Upshot email
Plot thickens…..just said on sly that Jim Ratcliffe has approached Jp Morgan & GS to refinance the rags debts (if he’s successful) and sly ended with a cheeky dig that JP was a major backer of the ESL
Possibly in need of a shake-up but possibly freer from the red clubs.

After four years, they had two choices:
- charge City, and say "we tried" to anyone who pushed them to do so, and "we were testing the rules to see if they'd been broken, as well as the non-cooperation issue" to others.

- don't charge City, and have everyone wonder what they wasted the four years doing, as well as annoying anyone pushing for an investigation (who would then go their media mates to slate them, making remaining in post untenable)

I suspect they're better off bringing the charges and having them fail.

I don't buy that one bit. I don't know why people keep talling themselves this. Oh poor PL, they don't really want to charge us, they just want to look like they do so they can take the preasure of themselves but they are happy to fail doing it because they are really on our side.

Are they fuck. They didn't spend 4 years listing every allegation they could come up with, just to look like they tried. They have put together 100+ charges either because they think there really is something there and they have a case, or because they think they have enough to stick in whatever capacity. This is not a fucking beauty parade of legalspeak, it is a serious set of accusations, with little good to come out of it for everyone no matter how it ends.
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