PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Oh yeah like the Arsenal fan on the overlap counting on his fingers how many player we bought of them and if they kept them it would of all been different! My answer to that is Man City don’t sell players they want to keep Arsenal are a big club why didn’t they keep them? Fans are bias by nature and one eyed..
Some of those players were getting dogs abuse off most Tarquins and also well past their prime. Did they whinge when the piano player or the likes of Brian Kidd moved to the swamp, or when they raided other clubs for their best players?
He is a tit,you are spot on,fucking going on about Kolo,Nasri and Clichy,they left their shit club to come and win trophies,which they did,fucking wanker him,and his fucking youtube bellend mates,and the other **** whose just come out of nick
Well him at that other moron gooner with the big ear phones and full arsenal tracksuit wanker can go play with each other and whinge about it.

All I know is that its a bit galling to be told the company can only 'afford' a staff 3% pay rise... and the next week one of the partners is asking if any of the staff want to nip across to the car park over the road to have a look at her new Porsche...
Are you sure she wasn't asking for a push?
Yeah but liverpool lost out and we've done the same as city, developed the training facilities and academy structure. Developed the stadium from 48k to 61k not in debt except operational debts so we have stuck to the model, we also find young players, showcase them and sell them on eg sterling 1.5m sold 49.5m suarez 22m sold for 74m Couthino 12m sold for 142m solanke free sold for 20m nico Williams academy sold for 15m plus we did a brilliant deal with Nike and standard charter and pushed on developing of the field activities.
Agree utd but the argument is they have 500m fan base and recoup more than they spend legitimately
Chelsea 618m in 6 months like you say extended contracts but fa have said the from next season ffp will be on the contracts averaged over 5 years so they will come unstuck.

You have a loyal fan base who have been screwed over by the clubs way of accounting and alleged sponsors all being fabricated and not existing. I think they will fine yous and that's all, get some money In the FA bank account.. Please help what can I write back too this Liverpool fans without the obvious murderers shit. Sick of getting shit now.
For a start their, if it is a dipper fan talking, stadium doesn't hold 61k. And whilst they have sold players for stupid fees they have also bought them for even more stupid fees. Don't get me started on Standard Charter who have been fined billions over the past 10 years for charges including poor money laundering controls. Rags have nowhere near that number fans and Chelsea is just taking the piss with their spend. All our sponsors are not fabricated and we haven't been screwed over. Ask the dipper to precisely explain what we have been charged with and when he replies with fiddling the books, ask him to precisely explain. He won't be able to so don't worry. And when he goes on about cooking the books ask him about their £50m expenditure for their new ground or their hacking of our database or their feral fans.
Fair do’s. Laporta is better than the two previous wankers. I think he was President when our Barca trio were there.
No doubt there’s respect between both parties, but Barca are only ever happy if we’re servicing that relationship, I read his words as ‘welcome to the ESL’ but I’ve no axe to grind with him or the club, they gave us Ferran Tixi Yaya & Pep, we gave them Garcia & Torres

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