PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Hudds fan in peace.

Now the dust has settled a little bit I just wanted to pop on and say that not everyone is against you. I have been non-stop fighting your corner to all and sundry since the news broke as, at least as far as I'm concerned, this is nothing but a shady attempt at a monumental stitch up, and it's pretty clear who the accusers are, even if it is being disguised under the Premier League banner...all the other bits of news that have broken since do nothing but underline that belief. At least it helped them get that little rat Greenwood out of the headlines for a bit...

Beggars belief to me that a club with a £500million deficit on the bottom line of their bank statement can throw shade at a club with zero debt whatsoever. Stinks in all honesty.

I would normally end something like this by wishing you luck, but you'll fight this and you'll win this. You'll never lose the particular tags in the eyes of certain people, but fuck 'em. I'll come back when all this is done and drink a pint of their salty tears with you all. Get into them City.
What a fucking post!
Yeah, no worries at all mate. I, too, get irritated by the '115 charges' narrative but it is something that everyone outside of City has seized upon to condemn us to hell. My own view is that this really only essentially comes down to the Der Spiegel hack with a bit of image rights/Fordham and Mancini/Al Jazira thrown in for good measure. The ignorant mob see it as a four-year investigation that took as long as it did because we committed 115 wholly separate offences.

It is and it isn't. Depending on which way it goes. If they wanted to charge with just 4 broader grouped offenses, they would have. The 115 is deliberate, and yes it does very much signify magnitude.

All depends on how it goes. If the main charges fall, big numbers may well fall with them. If they stick, then they all stick in big numbers and it makes it much easier to push for a bigher punishment. Regardless, in the meantime it does what it is intended to do, blow the proportion of it up publicly.
Not quite. He was manager in 2011/12 and the following season, the first two under FFP.

But this isn't about FFP. It's about 'hiding' some of his remuneration using this Al Jazira consultancy contract. I suspect they're saying that we should have paid him that £1.5m through our accounts, so have understated our expenses.

But that amount makes sod all difference. If it had been £10m then that's probably something to worry about but not £1.5m. It's just not material.

Whilst £750k per year is of course immaterial in the grand scheme of things, I would imagine it’s above the audit threshold and thus could be used by the PL as ‘proof’ of fraudulent financials for the years in question.
Whereas, if they go through the whole shebang and it turns out we are indeed confirmed as clean, they could then point to the fact that...

...due process was followed and that there weren't 10 years worth of aberrations that they missed..,so no need for any further regulation thank-you, we are keeping a clean and fair house just fine by ourselves.

They move on safe we move on, status quo returns...
But we may make a fuss by producing the emails between the redshirts which say: “let’s get those Arab bastards”.
Oh, I wish.
Well done to those guys who stood up for us , but honestly what a shower if shite that sort of presentation is .
A room full of rats baying for blood and the thickest of "experts" on show.
I was hesitant to watch it as I feared the worst and boy was I right.

Perfect, thanks. That confirms everything I've read from respected sources. So to me the fundamental question is whether the league has more evidence than UEFA did or whether they're just having a slightly mad punt in the hope they get full access to something or something sticks?

Edit: or that they're having to go big on the first charge in order to open up time barred elements where they think there are bigger smoking guns with Mancini and Yaya?? Which seems pretty bold? But then again it all seems quite bold. I can see why Stefan and other people who know what they're talking about were so flabbergasted. I don't think rival fans and the Talksport crew have fully appreciated this yet?
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