PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Maybe the reason City were still fined by CAS for not cooperating with UEFA gives you the answer. Perhaps if City had co-operated and provided the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence to UEFA at the outset, no case would have been required and no ones time would have been wasted?

Perhaps City wanted their day in court and still do now
Except we gave a dossier to UEFA early on. Leterme, iirc, refused to read it.
There is no chance in my opinion of an ‘off-ramp’ of a fine.

I’m 100% confident that for all of Khaldoon’s bravado publicly, in private if the Pl had offered a big fine in return for a final closure of the period to-date, City would’ve snapped their arm off for it.

Equally, the PL really don’t want to be in a position of going publicly for one of their members. It’s horrific PR for an organisation that only cares about its PR and profit maximisation.

The fact that they’ve pursued the strongest charges makes clear they believe they have a very strong hand. Equally I’ve no doubt City also believe they have a rock solid position, and now we have to wait the several years for this to take its course.

A defeat on the main charges fundamentally flaws the ‘loser’ below the water line. If the Pl lose, they’ve brought immeasurable damage to the league from a Pr perspective, and will have no chance to fight off independent regulation. If City lose, they’ll be deemed to have filed incorrect statements for a decade in the PL, and by default UEFA and the punishments won’t be a £1m fine and forced to play Scott Carson for a year.

As said previously, perhaps the likeliest scenario is that the Middle Eastern takeovers of United and Liverpool, which will inevitably lead to pathetically hypocritically opinion changes in their fans to ‘owner investment’ materially changes the landscape and sees the case quietly shelved when United fans and new owners realise they can’t sell Old Trafford naming rights to Qatar for £2bn and spend it all on Mbappe.

The PL is a non runner though isn't it? By the time this shit-storm gets sorted all the top teams will be eating tapas and rimming Barcelona and Real Madrid. Football might have already died it's calling the priest in to give the last rights that's missing.
They used someone's log in details that they'd retained from their time there, that is not a 'hack' and I couldn't give a rats arse what any 'definition' you intend to bring up says.
I think we can safely say unauthorised access which is probably worse or comparable to hacking. Liverpool seem to be able to get away with anything they want. After all they have been trying to undermine us for 40 or 50 years.

I don't have the strength to wade through all the PL rules for each year, but I am sure @Prestwich_Blue does. :)
My understanding UEFA FP from 2011, EPL from 2013. Either way if they want to look at Manchinis contract they probably will as I would imagine the years cover the stuff time barred at CAS. As other posters have said it’s a small charge when set against all edged sponsor income shanergins and fraud on a grand scale for 9 years.
Once again for the hard of hearing...

The Liverpool 'hack' was no such thing. Pinto (and most probably many others) hacked pretty much everybody including the people investigating him. As said previously, if someone with the skill or resources wants to, they will hack you.
My understanding is that ex-City employees were able to access City's "Scout7" system on a number of occasions after they had joined Liverpool. If that is correct it might not be what is considered a classic hacking attack but does show poor practices in the IT systems. Any access should be revoked as soon as it is no longer needed by the individual to perform their job role and some form of multi-factor authentication should also have been implemented with the token handed back or disabled once the individual leaves.

I will concede that no IT security system is unhackable I think it is fair to say that with a best practice security policy implemented, enforced and regularly updated it would have been far harder for Pinto to gain access to City's emails and he may well have moved on to easier targets.
I think City should be vocally questioning the finances of some of the other teams. Chelsea under Abramovich and all that STOLEN Russian oil money stinks, Newcastle and their mew owners, the way the Glazers took over the rags, the behavious of Liverpool fans (and their manager). Come on city, lets sling sone muck back
Amended for accuracy...

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