PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I read through the entire CAS award today and I really think they lay out everything we need to know about this case.

Specifically, CAS asked what evidence Mr Lindsay, UEFA’s financial witness would need to prove their allegations. And he replied -
"[...] that exercise requires extensive access to accounting records that - - I talk about reviewing contemporaneous emails, relevant documents, board papers, where in essence it would have to be a very wide-ranging review to try to determine whether or not these payment mechanisms happened or not and it would require access not only to the books and records of the Club, of which I've seen very little, but more importantly it would require access to the books and records of both of the sponsors
There is simply no way that the Premier League have been rooting through the accounts and bank records of the other parties involved here. Whether that’s sponsors, or Mancini, or Fordham, or players.
It would require police powers to find City guilty of these charges.
Thanks for that @domalino. Insightful information and a huge hurdle to get over for the premier. So we are back in the grey. We know you did something but can’t prove it.

Guilty and death by a thousand media papercuts.
Sky & the BBC bringing out their big gun reporters to Peps press conference today, was so predictable.

Never heard Melissa Reddy ask a question at a Pep pre-match press conference before, in-fact she only ever submits her SSN reports with gleeful doom when its about City, she's an absolute jackal.
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I'm sure he has an account on here, mainly spends time in the match day thread looking for tactical tips.

Thanks Pep :)
He actually does. But, obviously, I'm sworn to secrecy under threat of death. All I'll say is that he's one of those posters in the match thread who are constant "glass half empty" merchants. He was *this close* to getting banned. But the gaffer basically prevented it.
so many articles, comments about what happen if we are found guilty.

hardly any on what happens if these charges will not be proven. would top bosses in the PL have to resign? would PL go and have a long look in the mirror about charging their top dominant cub for last 10 years with all these fake ones?
will their official apology? what about damages? what if we had a new expensive sponsorship about be signed in March and now that sponsor hearing these very serious charges they take their money elsewhere...
and then if we found innocent in 3 months or 3 years they dont come back as sponsor.
Does PL pay money for that to us?
I would follow Pep Guardiola through the very gates of hell.

I am happy to admit that watching snippets of the press conference has left me feeling extremely emotional. That might sound ridiculous for a middle aged man to say about a bleeding press conference but after the shockingly unfair events of this week, coupled with the body language of Pep for the last few weeks I really felt the end of his time here was near.

Not so.

For a man who was born thousands of miles from here to come out so eloquently, so passionately, and with such righteous anger swinging at our enemies so professionally and successfully in full public glare was very special.
And it was needed. Today, now, more than ever before.

This man is one of us. This man has instilled a much-needed boost to my spirits today.

The hacks came to that press conference to bury their Caesar. And instead they had their arses handed to them. As did the old money clubs and hangers on that they so gleefully represent.

I’ve been upset this week, very upset, as all I could think about was my dad and how glad I am that he isn’t here to witness the attempted destruction of his club. It’s been properly horrible and distressing.
I needed today. We all needed today. I think the players needed today.

I just cannot put into words to admiration and, yes, I’ll say it, the love I have for this man.

We needed him today. We really really needed him and he didn’t go missing.
He marched out to the hordes awaiting his destruction and stuck out his chin and told them all what the score really was.

When we win this the emotions will have to be very special to beat the lift that today has given me.

He’s one of us in every sense of the word.

Superbia in Proelio
Pep knows right from wrong, an honest man. Sadly a rarity in this shithole of a country.
From a mate (I am only a messenger!):

"Spoke with an MP mate who I won't say (there are some good ones BTW). The Dept of Culture, Media and Sport (think current sports minister is Lucy Fraser) are incandescent with the PL's antics and the push for the independent regulator is being accelerated. Furthermore there are lots of shit stick stories on the horizon about the PL, backhanders etc, going to come out in due course inc monopoly corruption in regards to tv revenues and access. Bottom line is they are supporters of City as a catalyst for change".

It's interesting from the point of view that independent regulation could come in before our hearing takes place. If that happens, our charges could well be reviewed and even dropped.
Now that is interesting if the PL have to drop the charges. Obviously a big if, but certainly an outcome that I have not seen mentioned yet. Fingers crossed.
I answered that to someone else a few hundred pages back. No we will not. It is not our owners style and there is no guarantee of success. Journos will say they were reporting in the news of the times and the entities will say they were made aware of allegations and it was appropriate for them to investigate. They will quietly revel in the PL and “19”’s defeat with a big cigar and a smug glow of satisfaction. In my opinion of course.
As to the PL lawyer cost presumably it is paid for out of the budget. PL is fairly wealthy you know…
A further question. If City win this can they apply for costs for their legal fee's from the PL ? (which will be massive).

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