PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’m amazed at how many journalists are allowed to put out shit without actually reading about, and being knowledgeable about, the thing they’re writing about.

My job involves a shit load of preparation before a final recommendation/analysis which is regulated yet these lazy cunts can do so without issue as long as it fits a narrative.

The big problem is that its all about being first now. Get the story out first get the clicks and engagement and that's where the money comes from. No time for critical thinking or actual research. Think the line is something about a lie being half way round the world by the time the truth has got its pants on?
I deal with journalists in my job every week. As a rule they are kind, thorough, gather a lot of information from lots of sources but only use a little, and fair. The very few that aren’t don’t get their calls nor emails returned.

But I deal with US business journalists. UK football journalists might as well be from Uranus as a rule. Fuck, they don’t report — they write editorials. It’s astounding to me. Criticiz(s)e America all you like but I wouldn’t trade our daily news reporters for yours in a million years.
Unfortunately our Journalists rely on clickbaits , they pander to the likes of the rags , dippers etc .
Have to say.
Pep is sheer class.
He’s handling this beautifully.
He is very subtly saying to them, have a good look at your own behaviour.
Putting the point out there. When we are proved innocent again, what then. Are you going to redress all the damage you have done.

One question asked from the back summed up the ignorance and the style of reporting for me.
It basically amounted to, if this drags on for months and years of you having to prove your innocence what is the toll on the team etc.
well there you have the crux of it all for me. If this was a court of law or anything credibly close to the standards of one, there is no onus of proving innocence. The onus would be on the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused. And the accused would be within their rights to remain silent and only address the charges which would require adequate evidence.
This. It has been going on since our owners came in. We do not have to prove our innocence.

But our so called press couldn't give a feck for this principle.
You would have been given a first if I was still marking papers; concise, reinforcing facts with superb reference and leaving no room for debate

A post that deserves revisiting when this is done and dusted!

Appreciate your comments mate..

I showed your reply to my son who's in his final year of a 4 year Civil Engineering Masters Degree..

Don't suppose you could come out of retirement and mark his papers please Zin.. ? ha!

He's doing very well btw..!
Unfortunately our Journalists rely on clickbaits , they pander to the likes of the rags , dippers etc .
It’s shocking to me. It’s just so antithetical to the way journalism is taught and, and least in my experience, practiced. Of course I’m NOT shocked really but comparing it to what I know first-hand, it never ceases to amaze (and infuriate) me.

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