PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This guy has got form IIRC. No way a City fan.
No disrespect to any Irish Blues on here… the use of ‘feck’ at least twice leads me to believe this person is Irish - and he sounds like the type that pretends to support City because he just wanted to be different to all the rag top glory hunters in his hamlet.
He’s an Irish rag. Bluemoon has been taking the piss out of him for years.
This is the problem with social media. People read it and believe it. I’ve got 4 young lads working at my place. Unfortunately they are all plastic rags but I thought I’d give them the benefit of the doubt as they are new out of university. Unfortunately as I walked in yesterday it was “city cheating” this and “FFP” that. I quickly brought them back down a peg or two and got them to pipe down but that’s the problem. They read a tweet or a FB post and believe it. This is where the damage is done. We are suffering reputation damage.
Sack em
I would have shaken hands with execs of Pool, United, Spurs etc.
but only in a plastic glove which is full of pig shit and feces.
You don't want it “full of” I assume, probably just covered in yeh? The former would only cause you discomfort and probably make the other CEO’s think you’re weird and have a strange fetish.
It makes absolutely no sense.
Isn't it suggesting that it was two-faced of Soriano to be friendly with them when Pep then subsequently proceeded to call them all out?

If so, they can fuck off.

The duplicitous cunts have probably been all smiles around Soriano and Khaldoon for years, whilst doing their best to fuck us over.
This is the problem with social media. People read it and believe it. I’ve got 4 young lads working at my place. Unfortunately they are all plastic rags but I thought I’d give them the benefit of the doubt as they are new out of university. Unfortunately as I walked in yesterday it was “city cheating” this and “FFP” that. I quickly brought them back down a peg or two and got them to pipe down but that’s the problem. They read a tweet or a FB post and believe it. This is where the damage is done. We are suffering reputation damage.

That's why it's going to be so sweet when the club is found not guilty on all the financial charges and the redshirt fans will be crying because they've been led to believe that 'eVerYoNe KnOwS' that CIty cheated.

They of course won't be able to compute it so therefore it will be because of brown envelopes and the like.
They are just gullible like the rest of them
The hater’s will always hate. I remember the shit we got when Thaksin took over. Human rights this human rights that. He can’t spend his money because it’s all tied up ha ha ha. It’s never changed. When he handed power over, overnight there was this media frenzy. Total jealousy and then it starts again. City will ruin football all that bollocks. It’s the FA that have kept moving the goalposts so what do we expect. VAR just another cheating tool to manipulate games along with dubious reffing. It’s getting tiresome to watch. The FA need a massive wake up call before pointing the finger.
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