PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The CAS report is helpful here. Fundamentally, City don't think anyone should be doing an investigation based on illegally hacked emails, they don't trust the people doing the investigation, and they don't think they should open up not just their "books" but their bank statements, sponsors bank statements, and club wide communications for those people. I can understand both sides really.

The club’s reputation was always going to get a hammering. Collateral damage no matter how much or how little we co operated with the league.

It’s a tough price to pay.
For arguments sake let’s say The books are fine and it’s all about a fair hearing. The media assignation was going to happen anyway. For city not to show the irrefutable evidence to the premiership before they charged at the very least shows the extent to which our relationship with them has deteriorated. We all know who runs the league so it’s no surprise. The cartel has done its job. Can’t compete so try and ruin us of the field.

For what it’s worth I am of the opinion that the books are fine. It would be disrespectful towards Khaldoon in particular to think otherwise. I won’t but into the cheat narrative at all unless clearly shown in a court of law.
Does Khaldoon sign the actual conformation of audit? Or is it /was it down to someone he trusted , I’m not being funny here but he’s trusting other people in certain departments, he’s a man of the utmost integrity, but his employees are on the gravy train just like in any other company aren’t they? The guy whose emails were hacked , does he still work at the club ?
The club’s stance is that we *have* provided it.

Problem is, the EPL acts as a kangaroo court. It has no legal power or standing, no judges nor a jury, and as an organisation itself it is only made up of it’s own member clubs.

It’s press releases contradict our press releases, only one can be accurate. But who gets to decide that? Not the league, aka the very same clubs making the accusation, surely?
So in essence it comes down to the level of proof. City say it’s enough and the league say it ain’t so start an all out war!

I would love to know who is making the decisions on what is deemed acceptable proof or not. Looking across to London or the Red Sox would be a good start.
Listen mate I hope so , but getting off on a technicality, or non cooperation isn’t good enough to clear our name once and for all. There is a nervousness on here with our legal and financial experts , why ?
Which ones are nervous?

All I’ve seen is our resident law & finance experts be extremely positive about the serious charges
Does Khaldoon sign the actual conformation of audit? Or is it /was it down to someone he trusted , I’m not being funny here but he’s trusting other people in certain departments, he’s a man of the utmost integrity, but his employees are on the gravy train just like in any other company aren’t they? The guy whose emails were hacked , does he still work at the club ?
Why would an employee sign off on fraudulent accounts? That’s why we have an external company look at the books. It would take a huge cover up or a spectacular level of incompetence. Are you talking about Simon Pearce? Think he is still in his role but not sure.

The more you read, the more it looks like a complete stitch up or der spiegal has opened up a can of worms. Or it’s just standard accounting practices with a twist.
Does Khaldoon sign the actual conformation of audit? Or is it /was it down to someone he trusted , I’m not being funny here but he’s trusting other people in certain departments, he’s a man of the utmost integrity, but his employees are on the gravy train just like in any other company aren’t they? The guy whose emails were hacked , does he still work at the club ?
Pep is privy to information that not one person on this forum has had the benefit of. He has had reassurances from his closest friends that we are fine and dandy, which is good enough for me.

If we spend the next months and years trying to second guess our BoD, this place will be a madhouse within weeks.

Best to let it play out and enjoy life's rich tapestry.
Why would an employee sign off on fraudulent accounts? That’s why we have an external company look at the books. It would take a huge cover up or a spectacular level of incompetence. Are you talking about Simon Pearce? Think he is still in his role but not sure.

The more you read, the more it looks like a complete stitch up or der spiegal has opened up a can of worms. Or it’s just standard accounting practices with a twist.
They only audit information given

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