PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I‘d like to repeat my previously stated position on this. I’m against FFP because I see it as anti-competitive in wanting to secure a cosy monopoly for the ‘top’ clubs fearful that an unrestricted free for all would damage their standing. I have never had a problem therefore for City or any other club with ambition to spend to secure success for their club. City and now Newcastle are a refreshing change to the status quo. Thats why the PL is so exciting (and how dull for example, La Liga is dominated by Barca and Real).

So, why shouldn’t we encourage say the likes of West Ham were they to get the financial backing to invest to challenge at the top? Why can’t fans of so called lesser teams not dream about winning trophies? It seems more fair to me.
I hope Arsenal are not involved in this currently because they were ill advised back in the day to have gotten involved at all. If they are, they don’t have my support and that’s true for a lot of our fans.

Anyway, I hope you win this battle and don’t assume all fans support FFP. We don’t.
Arsenal are at the forefront of this. Remind me what clubs crest was on the letterhead of that bullshit letter?
Not doubting a word your saying, but if it is so clear cut on our side, why has it gone on so long, I would think it's in the clubs interest to sort this, it does our reputation and the owners Nation's reputation so much damage.

And again this must be costing and will cost the PL ten's of millions in legal fees alone, not sure they are as daft as to continue for no reason.
It's taken this long because the accuser (We've not been charged as this isn't a criminal matter), either had fuck all on us, or has spent their time ensuring a watertight case.

Either way it seems the accusations are more of the same & based on the already adjudicated Der Spiegel "exposé"... )(
There's charges for every season since 2008/2009. That in and of itself is insane. The level of breakdown in diplomacy that there needs to be for this to happen is off the scale. Yes, City have had a target on their backs for ages, but we still need to exist and co-exist in the PL. UEFA are a different kettle of fish, but at home we needed a much better tactic than "fuck the fuck off we're better than you and we've got more lawyers than you".
If we are so squeaky clean this would have ended years ago, that's my worry.
Chelsea spend half a Billion in one transfer window.

And City get hung out to dry in front of World MSM.

Bastards all of them.

This kind of stuff should be treated like a Guy accused of a serious crime. News blackout, Treated innocent until proven guilty. The damage to brand is what they really want.
The damage isn’t just to City though. The PL are accusing the dominant force in their own league, as having become so through financial irregularities/cheating. Their own reputation takes a huge hit whether they are proven right or wrong and that is what worries me about this whole thing. It’s ok the club being confident they can bat this away, but surely the PL are just as confident they can make this stick?
Someone should of taken the instigators of FFP to court to find out why certain clubs are allowed spend more money than other clubs by the virtue of accidents of history. In other words the rules were drawn up to benefit clubs who at the time were historically big to the detriment of the rest.
I have just spoken to a friend inside CFG.

They aren't worried, and neither should we be.

There are no surprises. Khaldoon will burn down the entire Premier League house if it comes to it.
I think we have to now. It's got to a point where points deductions, expulsions and title stripping is being mooted. They want to play for big stakes? I hope the club does too. It won't go away or even recede until we put them to bed very loudly and preferably embarrassingly as possible for those behind it.

Not to say the affect on us normal all fans who just want to watch a bit of footy and celebrate our wins.

If the club truly thinks this is all garbage and unsubstantiated, then we need to go to war over it regardless of outcome. The clear and organised remarks were spot on, irrespective of viability of the charges, and I hope we ruthlessly expose whatever we possibly can on the premier league cartel.

The Aguero moment, the kompany screamer, four titles in five years, hundreds of goals.... They want to erase it all. Let's destroy them, instead. Reform of the fa and premier league for institutional bias and corruption, anyone?
This is the one that is at odds with Citys statement. If the PL have asked for something and we haven’t given it them (for whatever reason) we must know that a charge for non-compliance is coming our way. How the frig are we “surprised” if we haven’t complied 30 times?
Well, non-compliance with an organisation that is trying to shaft you at the behest of a number of their not-so-successful-these-days cartel, is understandable to large degree, imo.
PL: We've been told by the redshirts to shaft you by any means possible, can you provide evidence to help us achieve that?
MCFC: Fuck right off you bent twats!!

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