PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Arsenal season ticket holder reviewing the case for Arsenal’s biggest rival for the title. Brilliant.
theyve got to be careful with that though because english law doesnt take kind view to conflict of interests.
Arsenal season ticket holder reviewing the case for Arsenal’s biggest rival for the title. Brilliant.
You couldn’t make it up. It’s like a Celtic fan Presiding over demoting Rangers down three leagues for a tax case that years later was proven bogus. Like that would ever happen
They didn't even do Soriano the courtesy of giving him the charges before giving them to the media and specifically to certain journalists. City have won 4 of the last 5 PL titles and that's how the league chose to handle it. That means we have absolutely no relationship of any real respect with the people running the league, and that's squarely at Soriano's door as he is the guy who sits in all those meetings.
Bit difficult to get respect when the rest of them think you’re just upstarts to begin with. We’re fucking despised for having the audacity to win titles, they can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned, the PL as a whole have made a fortune on the back of us and the dramatic winning of certain titles, of us bringing Pep to them Prem.

They should be fucking worshipping us instead of sucking up to the red cartel!!
There's charges for every season since 2008/2009. That in and of itself is insane. The level of breakdown in diplomacy that there needs to be for this to happen is off the scale. Yes, City have had a target on their backs for ages, but we still need to exist and co-exist in the PL. UEFA are a different kettle of fish, but at home we needed a much better tactic than "fuck the fuck off we're better than you and we've got more lawyers than you".
I’d sooner us resign from the league and blow it sky high on our way out than smooze with the PL puppets, resulting in us taking a hit and being labelled cheats, although we’ve had that label for over a decade it was starting to subside
There's charges for every season since 2008/2009. That in and of itself is insane. The level of breakdown in diplomacy that there needs to be for this to happen is off the scale. Yes, City have had a target on their backs for ages, but we still need to exist and co-exist in the PL. UEFA are a different kettle of fish, but at home we needed a much better tactic than "fuck the fuck off we're better than you and we've got more lawyers than you".
Possibly but I genuinely don't think ot response has ever been "fuck the fuck off we're better than you and we've got more lawyers than you". We've been giving them what they asked for until it became clear that they were fishing for any random stuff they can find and told them to get on with it.
There has definitely been a breakdown in diplomacy but I don't know how far diplomacy would have taken us with this.
We all have a pretty good inkling that United and Liverpool have huge amounts of sway with the PL and FA (only two clubs that got to vet the new chairman for example) we also know that Arsenal are pretty heavily involved with this whole thing too who also have huge amounts of pull with the league.
I don't think anyone at City can take the blame for not being able to control the push for this from our competitors. Maybe the more 'outspoken' Garry Cook approached could have made this go away or it could have made it worse and Soriano's way was actually the best way to deal with all this shit, who knows? More than likely the correct response would have been some where between the two.
The only way anyone can really take the blame for this is if the charges are actually true and in that case whoever was involved should be dealt with accordingly.
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If our club were as clever as people make out they would have been investigating the hateful eight over the years with a fine tooth comb. Then hit them with everything at a time like this. Nobody can tell me all the other clubs haven't broken ONE rule over the years.
wasnt their rumours that we had documentation on a lot of clubs around the premier league and in europe

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