PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I have just spoken to a friend inside CFG.

They aren't worried, and neither should we be.

There are no surprises. Khaldoon will burn down the entire Premier League house if it comes to it.
And there it is...
I for one would take a trophyless season if thats the price for a vigourous arse kicking for the PL yes men.
The timing of this just reeks of being a last throw of the dice by FSG and the Glazers in particular before they fuck off back to where they came from and find themselves a new teat to attach themselves to.
The media are loving this. Never spoil a good story with the facts etc. Loads of speculation from people with no legal knowledge. This is an orchestrated attack on the noisy neighbours. If you can't get as many points as City over 38 games what are your options? UEFA had a go and failed. Now the Premier League are having a go because Man Utd, Liverpool and The Arse are upset. The Premier League may succeed in clipping our wings and this will show the heritage clubs they are trying their best for them. The Premier League was always a vehicle for the old big 3 and these allegations reinforce this view. I just hope City have got their house in order and nullify this garbage. Come on City.
It's a huge story about a huge Football Club, this is major news.
Someone answer me something please.

Read headlines that some sources inside City are interested regarding the timing of the charges, given the white paper on independent regulating is due imminently.

What does this mean? That an independent regulator will get the go ahead, see that there's nothing to these charges and decide not to proceed any further, and the PL will save face amongst the hateful 9 by saying "we done our best" by charging us in the first place?

Or is my interpretation of this all wrong?
It's impossible to not come to the conclusion that the club has systematically cheated if the charges are true.

6 seasons not including full details of player remuneration in player contracts.

4 seasons not including full details of manager remuneration.

9 seasons of not providing accurate financial information.

And thats just up to 2018, because from 2018 onwards we've refused to cooperate by giving them more details.
So in the absence of the detailed info they claim they've requested but not received, they've accused us of not supplying the info?

And here's me thinking we submitted public financial reports to Companies House every year... I must be mistaken then... \0/

Wonder if something is going on here with the motivation behind this that we don’t understand just yet.

The problem with the PL seeking to use us as what feels like a scapegoat to throw off criticism of the league as an example of wealth inequality (i.e. PL wealth gap, spending vs. other Europe leagues) and to hide their own flaws in addressing this is that if they go through with this and hand out severe punishment it will be fool’s gold, laced with hypocrisy that could be a sort of nihilistic, pyrrhic type of victory with the costs outweighing the benefits.

Maguire’s tweet on the circumstances with the UK government white paper report on football governance reform also shows plenty of motivation for the PL to show they don’t need an independent investigator from the government.

Combine both Maguire’s claim with Stefan’s tweet and could that not then imply the PL may not truly plan to go through as far as we think? In order to provide some cover with hope of the government backing off.

The severity and length of the charges leads me to suspect this may also be about getting City to come to the table to make a deal.

The PL claims we have resisted the investigation, according to their accusations, and we are aware this was the approach with UEFA that led to CAS. Yes, we know the club responded claiming they have cooperated, but that’s surely lawyer talk, as they would never admit they have not, publicly.

If we don’t make a deal and fight it this will drag out and be misery for City, its fans and I’d argue the PL. You don’t want this case lingering around and distracting attention, unless you truly hope to do all they can to prevent City from success as a club, which isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility for various reasons we could go through easily.

Alarm bells went off in my head aswell when I saw the delay on the white paper. Definitely a connection between these two events.

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