PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Who cares about the outcome?

In fact I have become quite excited about this triggering a new dawn. In short, the club has become too drunk on success and a need to be mixing with an equally self obsessed bunch of teams in a money grabbing dick swinging contest.

Whatever happens, after how ever long it takes, Manchester City FC will still play football and will still have its fans. If things are lost along the way, whether it be players, management, sponsors or even global support, their sacrifice will be a price worth paying for this club to once again find its sole.
The government decision turns the focus onto governance of the game.....and in step the PL to show they've got it all covered, nothing to see here
The media are loving this. Never spoil a good story with the facts etc. Loads of speculation from people with no legal knowledge. This is an orchestrated attack on the noisy neighbours. If you can't get as many points as City over 38 games what are your options? UEFA had a go and failed. Now the Premier League are having a go because Man Utd, Liverpool and The Arse are upset. The Premier League may succeed in clipping our wings and this will show the heritage clubs they are trying their best for them. The Premier League was always a vehicle for the old big 3 and these allegations reinforce this view. I just hope City have got their house in order and nullify this garbage. Come on City.

City is a heritage club.
The end is nigh!
Surely the club cannot have been stupid enough for the gravity of these allegations to take place. Or has April 1st arrived early.
In all seriousness however the club have to react quickly.
Is the fella who used to wear the end is nigh board outside Maine Rd still around?
Anyone would think that the PL wanted City to join Real Madrid, Barcelona, and Juve in their breakaway faction?
One thing missing is the constant anti City bike from the media that has been going on for years. Do you think they'll ever let us forget it if the worst case scenario happens?

They act like we’re cheats even having won at CAS. Nothing will change that. Well, apart from if we have a US owner like the rest of them.

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