PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

UEFA managed it, despite being told by CAS at the halfway stage (CAS1) that they were mounting an unfair hearing. The CAS verdict in every case began “There is no evidence that…”
Let’s say it’s a stitch up. The whole idea of a private hearing does nothing to aid a sense of fairness. However, City have plenty of media outlets to release the irrefutable evidence if the premier league chooses to ignore.

By that point I would expect a legal challenge in the uk courts not an internal sporting witch-hunt.

The premier need to handle this case properly or we will tear them apart. A hatchet job would be painful but might aid us in the bigger picture.
I get your point and I don’t think that what you write is in any way wrong within the rules of the sport, but I think that there is a pathway to appeal and that appeal is to the court of law.
Football clubs are businesses and businesses are protected by a whole raft of laws that are wide ranging and well established. I do understand PL can do whatever they like within their rules, and that the first recourse must always be to those rules as a higher body would rightly expect that, but those rules must ultimately accord with the laws that protect all businesses as the PL, as powerful as it is as a sport governing body, can’t operate a system that sits outside the law itself.

ProjectRiver has made it pretty clear that, except for in very exceptional circumstances, there is no recourse to the Courts, and those exceptional circumstances wouldn’t embrace the kind of re-run of proceedings what we’d likely be after.
I have the same reservations as KSSS. We can get super-excited on here by news that City (perhaps correctly) believe the PL’s case is piss weak, but they’re picking the man who picks the tribunal, so the chances of a bent charade, with the ‘high bar’ lowered to the point that Tyrion Lannister could limbo under it, cannot be dismissed out of hand. Be upbeat at what we’ve heard today, but don’t bet everything you’ve got on it just yet.
Let’s say it’s a stitch up. The whole idea of a private hearing does nothing to aid a sense of fairness. However, City have plenty of media outlets to release the irrefutable evidence if the premier league chooses to ignore.

By that point I would expect a legal challenge in the uk courts not an internal sporting witch-hunt.

The premier need to handle this case properly or we will tear them apart. A hatchet job would be painful but might aid us in the bigger picture.
I’m not really arsed if we get done for non cooperation, that in itself means they’ve got nothing on us of substance- because if they did , the word non cooperation wouldn’t mean a shite, all that word means is they actually couldn’t prove fuck all. Listen , we will always be tainted through sheer jealousy, when we are cleared - and we will be , we can keep mopping up the gongs - and just to add , those cunts over the road can have their domestic cup double for all I care - the road to immortality is three in a row and parade big ears down Deansgate.
ProjectRiver has made it pretty clear that, except for in very exceptional circumstances, there is no recourse to the Courts, and those exceptional circumstances wouldn’t embrace the kind of re-run of proceedings what we’d likely be after.
I have the same reservations as KSSS. We can get super-excited on here by news that City (perhaps correctly) believe the PL’s case is piss weak, but they’re picking the man who picks the tribunal, so the chances of a bent charade, with the ‘high bar’ lowered to the point that Tyrion Lannister could limbo under it, cannot be dismissed out of hand. Be upbeat at what we’ve heard today, but don’t bet everything you’ve got on it just yet.
But surely EB, if we have “Irrefutable” evidence, it wouldn’t matter if baconface was chairing the proceedings ?
But surely EB, if we have “Irrefutable” evidence, it wouldn’t matter if baconface was chairing the proceedings ?
You’d like to think so, but we’re dealing with a set of cnuts, who set a ‘fuck you’ tone to proceedings by briefing Ziegler and Co that we were facing 115 charges rather than 5, and who in turn are in thrall to another set of cnuts. And when there’s cnuts about, expect cnutiness
The recourse to law is on very narrow grounds, basically irregularity in the process.

iirc yes, but only if the process complies with the law because the law holds sway over and above the process.
As such the process (sports governing body rules) could be applied correctly in accordance with ‘the process’ but, as example, if the process were contrary to say competition laws then the laws hold sway.
UEFA managed it, despite being told by CAS at the halfway stage (CAS1) that they were mounting an unfair hearing. The CAS verdict in every case began “There is no evidence that…”
I can guess what's happened over the last few years. The cartel clubs were hanging their hats on us getting a ban from UEFA, at which point the PL would also presumably have charged us. The PL claimed to be investigating in 2018 but probably did fuck all of any note. Once the UEFA case was chucked out by CAS, Plan B went into operation, which involved the PL starting to dig around.

They could only go on the stuff that Der Spiegel published but the Etihad stuff was probably off the table. All they really had was the time-barred stuff, Mancini's contract and Fordham, which UEFA knew about a few years earlier but having spoken to us weren't seemingly too bothered about.

So they've got some bits and pieces, but they're pretty weak and I suspect the PL legal advisors have told them this. But Masters has a problem, as the cartel clubs are on his back. For a while it looks like Arsenal are going to win the league and it looks less obvious than bringing charges when we're ahead. So after we lose to Spurs, urged on by Levy on behalf of the cartel clubs, they insist on sticking the boot in. Masters, like Ceferin before him, really doesn't want to do this but he's under pressure. So his way out is to agree to bring charges he knows have little or no hope of success.
Look at this post on red cafe, this gives you an idea of how much they know about the past and current investigations.

They didn't win convincingly. They probably bribed the FIFA judges, making them interpret the procedural rules in a specific way. These judges ruled that the statute of limitations applied to the charges and that the timing should be calculated from a particular date... Consequently, their "victory" was achieved through exploiting a technicality rather than addressing the core issue... The evidence itself was not dismissed by the FIFA court.

From what I've noticed online..
Most intelligent people can't be bothered saying logical stuff.. especially for free.
So stupid stuff becomes self reinforcing as it's free
Gets repeated by the accounts that're hungry for clicks
and then they start to think that's what the majority believe.

The media also have found out they get a lot of ratings if they reinforce stupid people's feelings despite what the reality is.

This tends to happen in the political channels a lot and it never receives pushback.

The only time I've seen a media body held to account is the 787 million dollar settlement by Fox News. But make no mistake.. they probably made 10-15 times that much if they can afford to write a check of 787 million dollars for it to go away.

That very strategy is being employed by Sky/ BT and other media outlets who now know they can make a lot of money airing City hatred to the stupid masses and this will make them major money.

It won't really stop till City actually go to court and show damage to their brand with tons of proof, and then we'll see a prompt firing of TV pundits and apologies but they'll move on to a new weaker victim.. one who can't afford to fight back..

Likely they'll just move to a new team who's got a minority owner!
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