PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

UEFA were doing as they were told by the top European clubs. The fallout for them losing at CAS has been minimal and was always going to be. It was never going to cost UEFA huge amounts if City were out of the CL for a while.

The PL have decided to take on their own dominant team, who have brought in the best manager in the world, as well as some of the best players in the world. The PL makes it’s money off being able to market this. If they make this stick, then the likes of Pep, KDB, Haaland et al not only leave City, they leave the Prem. Good luck to the PL in their next round of TV negotiations when the best side, manager and players are no longer here. That scenario is if they win. If they lose, what next after going after one of their own clubs in probably the highest courts in the land?

Either way, they lose massively and as I say, that’s what worries me.
I always found it interesting how the French league supported PSG but the premier league never did when both clubs were criticised by other representatives of European leagues. I would assume that they would believe that any talent would be mopped up by other teams that play in red and therefore no damage done. Indeed, they may assume that they are now stronger for it. A pat on the back perhaps form all over Europe? I'd imagine clubs that want/need serious investment will be interested in the outcome.
It's an interesting question.

If Sheikh Mansour felt like topping up Mancini's or Yaya's salary by £5m per year, how does the PL have the ability to find out or prove it?

They could have emails from the leak discussing it, but they can't have any financial records which makes proving it impossible.

They'd never get access to that sort of information, they'll only get the clubs bookkeeping accounts, so any charge along those lines would be thrown straight out.

Even an email discussing it isn't enough.
The only thing that has me worried is the head of this "independent commission" is a match going arsenal fan, who as a QC may very well be on speaking terms with the higher ups at arsenal, who just happen to be some of our biggest accusers. If rival fans are appointed on to the commission how is it independent? There must be 100's of QC's with no football allegiance's who could be appointed. This smells like a stitch up, and I hope we try and get the gooner QC replaced by someone truly independent.
Had a Liverpool fan in work say am I ashamed of what the club did cheating etc

I went why should I be ashamed I'm a football /City fan I don't care about this I just want to watch my club play football , you should be more ashamed of your club due to its history.

Fucking hell it's like they've all come out from hiding now to jump on this
Living and working in Leicester, I have a proper strange mix of employee clubs:

4 Leicester
1 Rag (my Broadheath-born nephew)
1 Spud
1 Blackburn
1 Arse

The Leicester fans are a bit quiet due to their own failings over the last couple of decades. Since they took 200+ local businesses for £millions went they went bust, failed FFP, had a self-imposed transfer ban and £200m debt written off, they are the very reason the regulations were brought in, so fuck off dickheads.

My Raggie nephew is smiling from ear to ear, something he always does after the twats have won the previous weekend. He's worked out though, WHEN the titles are rescinded and given to the runners up, the dippers will be ahead of them on titles, so its fucked his tiny brain up.

The Spuds fan, who tbf, is the most level headed of them all, is just praying this won't gift the title to the Tarquins.

The Tarquin is proud that his club was one of the leaders in bringing our "shitty-City" empire to its knees. Needless to say, his Arse coffee mug is now in the skip and his days are numbered.

The Blackburn fan is the worst, laughing his tits off, celebrating the demise of "them cunts who think they're bigger than united"...mask slipping a bit there eh mate?
Easy to piss on his chips...ermmm....Jack Walker....FFP....go figure dickbreath.

All these dickheads take ALL their info from twatter, talksport, skyredsports et al.

It's gonna be a fun few years.....bring it fucking on..... and UP THE FUCKIN BLUES.
Relegation and stripped of titles.

Literally shaking and in shock.

Feel sick to my stomach.
I think we should boycott all the games till this is sorted out , be very embarrassing for the premier league to have An empty stadium. Process has has been going on for that long now , it’s a joke
You think that would embarrass the premier league specifically? I don’t see it looking good for us either to be honest
It's an interesting question.

If Sheikh Mansour felt like topping up Mancini's or Yaya's salary by £5m per year, how does the PL have the ability to find out or prove it?

They could have emails from the leak discussing it, but they can't have any financial records which makes proving it impossible.
Moreover than that, how should that result in you getting relegated or points deducted if your manager got paid a bonus seperate to his salary 13 years ago?

I know there are over 100 other charges, but just saying

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