PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You can look at this sequence of events from a few perspectives and no one on this site can provide a definitive answer but I think it’s fair to assume that City have quite clearly been targeted and no other PL club has been scrutinised or investigated to the degree we have - ultimately that will become an issue for the prosecution I.e. They can’t hold us to higher standards than other clubs. They should be mindful that anything they find us guilty of - it is likely other clubs will have done similar. This whole case is clearly motivated as a vengeful act by some or all of the hateful eight and I think we can assume that they don’t have definite evidence of wrongdoing - partly because Gill and Parry would have certainly leaked such info to their lackeys in the media by now and the PL would not have adopted the spaghetti at the wall approach of 100+ charges, if they knew specifics. I did think that part of this was motivated by the clubs in red trying to resist an independent regulator but, if that were the case it’s backfired because they are presently making a definitive case for a regulator with their obvious incompetence. Ultimately no one knows how this will play out but this case looks big on bravado, low on content and would be doomed to failure in the legal system, the arrogance of Levy, Gill et al might have convinced a few that they can push this over the line in their internal PL process but the wider legal process still needs to be respected and any KC or senior legal figure isn’t going to want to be associated with this case which increasingly looks and smells what it is…. A vengeful cartel taking out its frustration on a rival who has seized their ball and won’t give it back. As a few posters have said… if City really had filed 9 years of dodgy, manipulated and inaccurate accounts… the HMRC would have raided the club by now and they seem wholly unbothered by this politically motivated nonsense.
im no legal expert, but why would the HMRC get involved, if we have inflated things then surely the HMRC would of got more tax money from us
im no legal expert, but why would the HMRC get involved, if we have inflated things then surely the HMRC would of got more tax money from us
Isnt hiding payments and paying people (i.e mamcini) through the back door going to be an issue? HMRC would want their pound of flesh then

(Ps im thick as shite when it comes to finances)
The independent commission is not a court of law but a body which enforces the rules made by a governing body of an organisation. Courts of law are content to allow these commissions to handle enquiries into breaches of rules and deal with them: courts of law would not be interested in hearing a case about the length of grass on a football field. If however such a commission were to try and enforce a rule which is clearly at odds with the law of the land, or if it were to deliver a perverse judgement and if a club were to be punished disproportionately then appeal would be to another commission BUT the courts could consider whether it would allow an appeal. The process may seem cumbersome and indeed it can be but the aim is to ensure that the process is fair/impartial and that only those who break the rules/law are punished and that punishment is fair.

My personal opinion is that City are more than capable of looking after themselves and that the club has done nothing which is against the rules. The commission will find in our favour and that will be that. Let's not forget that many bluemooners were afraid that CAS would "stitch us up" and they were quite wrong. Who was the journalist who claimed that UEFA were a much respected body and that CAS would never find against a governing body of a sport? Yet it did!
I agree with your second paragraph, however CAS is a recognised Court of Arbitration.
UEFA bow to their ruling.
I wasn’t as sure of how the PL right of appeal read in the explanations of the process given.
This is what I was on about before.

Is it being argued by some that 'They' could find us guilty despite us presenting our evidence, punish us 'accordingly' and we could do nothing about it? So what would stop them just finding City guilty and have done with us? Exactly how impartial is this independent investigation going to be?

FFP stops fair competition

PL stops you from appeal their decision

Sounds fair in a kangaroo court
Isnt hiding payments and paying people (i.e mamcini) through the back door going to be an issue? HMRC would want their pound of flesh then

(Ps im thick as shite when it comes to finances)

I thought that players on big wages set themselves up as companies avoiding the high rate tax that kicks in after £150,000 is paid?

If that is true the PL or indeed the inland revenue can't moan and just chase Mancini, hell some cockney geezer even opened a bank account under his bloody Dogs name :)
im no legal expert, but why would the HMRC get involved, if we have inflated things then surely the HMRC would of got more tax money from us

If you don’t submit accurate accounts - then that in itself is illegal but it adds to the farce that we are potentially being accused of inflating our income - IF there is any basis to the PL accusations we will almost certainly have committed fraud and a range of other financial transgressions.
If you don’t submit accurate accounts - then that in itself is illegal but it adds to the farce that we are potentially being accused of inflating our income - IF there is any basis to the PL accusations we will almost certainly have committed fraud and a range of other financial transgressions.

It's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. None of it makes any sense.

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