Not worth discussing any further, tbh.
Edit: I have been trying to find anything in the French press from February which verified Pinto handed over new hard disks. I couldn't. I can find this, from AFP:
"Lors d'une rencontre avec l'AFP, L'Equipe et Mediapart, jeudi au cabinet parisien de son avocat William Bourdon, le lanceur d'alerte de 35 ans, à l'allure juvénile, a explicité l'objet de sa venue: donner pour "la première fois aux autorités françaises et étrangères un accès plein et sans restriction à (ses) données" collectées jusqu'à son arrestation en janvier 2019 en Hongrie".
The last part: ... gave for the first time to French and other authorities full and unrestricted access to the data collected since his arrest in Hungary in January 2019 ...
Given digital access to data they already had, not physically handed over.
I think we can sleep safely.