PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Really only seems to be the red shirted fans who keep banging on about this, the scouse bastards being by far the worst. They're actually bordering on obsessive, it's eating away at their sad lives, that we get titles stripped, relegated ten divisions, owners jailed, City fans banned etc etc
Collective TV deals (whoever the broadcast rights holder is) are required for the good of the product.
I don't see any momentum at all to argue against this among the Premier league.
It's a red herring.......up to now anyway.

It's not necessarily what Arsenal fans want or think......many of them may believe in a fairer league.

But Arsenal's owners (+ Utd & Liverpool) not believe in a fairer league, not at all.
They want to limit the investment of potential rivals while entrenching the basis for allowed club income to be only related to the current size of the fanbase.
Fair enough, that makes economic sense for them.

But don't let them or their media acolytes persuade you that it's arguing for a level playing field or financial parity. It's pure self interest, heralding a return to the scenario where they cannot lose in the long run.

It's locking out clubs with a smaller fanbase than you and locking in your own higher income from match day revenue, shirt sales etc.
Only moderate investment above current income is allowed so unless a smaller rival is absolutely perfect in everything they do for 10-15 years and they get a great run of luck with purchases and hirings it's impossible to move into the top 4.
A true fan never ever switches loyalty once they’ve chosen their team as a young lad. Good for him. When you consider how relatively unsuccessful we’ve been in recent years, it’s good he remains loyal and not a glory hunter.
doesn't matter what arsenal do now he is and always will be a glory hunter, nothing can change that, i don't know about anyone else,i was born a blue, from the second i was born until the second i die i'll be blue, no choice.
A fucking Arsenal fan coming on here full of shit about sharing the bounty.
I don't remember such philanthropic sentiment from AFC and the red arse cheeks to others when they were hijacking the EFL to form the Premier League to secure greater financial rewards for themselves or lording it as invincibles or qualifying for Europe every year and raking it in. It was fuck everyone else and were alright Jack.
You can shove your faux concerns and we'll milk as much out our success as is legally and regulatory possible, just like you did. Only were better at it than you.
many years ago when i got started on football forums(bbc606) arsenal were at the top, and a bigger bunch of holier than thou shitstains you couldnt meet,i have always admired arsenal for the football they played under wenger,they were brilliant, but we saw what their fans were like with the players and then the manager they were toxic,we see their fan channels ,fucking toxic, now half way through last season we started seeing the holier than thou attitude,arsenal fans are right up there with the worst fans in football .

that robbie , that nouncy **** who wears all the gear, that fat twat with a beard who went to prison,that **** with his blud and fams,fuck off ,typical whining whinging shithouses arsenal fans
How would that be a good thing? One of the reasons the PL marches ahead of La Liga is the equalitarian approach to tv money among PL clubs. This has fostered a more competitive league and appealed to a broader audience. Luton Town need to be getting as good a deal as anyone else in the league.

If broadcast deals were negotiated individually, rather than collectively, thats the beginning of the end of the PL. It really alarms me when fans of clubs see football through the prism of thier own club maximising thier own share of the pie, rather than the collective. Man City are only big because you are in the PL. The Premier League is the product, not Man City, Manchester United, Liverpool or Arsenal, the Premier League.

Your last comment worries me. Its like your up for it and want it to happen. Let Luton Town eat the bones that get tossed them
Exactly right.

When those greedy American bastards who own Liverpool proposed Project Big Picture a few years ago, it was all about giving the big clubs the ability to sell their own TV rights and for it not to be a collective, thus cementing their position at the top forever, almost creating a Super League just without the name.
TV revenues in my opinion should be split equally amongst the twenty teams, the teams that qualify for European competitions will still get that additional money.
If virtual season tickets were to be introduced then that money generated should be thrown in the collective pot as well.

There are a lot of organisations trying to effectively kill of competition in football so they can siphon off all the money, we as supporters need to be careful what we wish for.

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