PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The Premier League and The Champions League were supposed to protect the status quo for the old guard. Instead, a club like City has emerged from the shadows and is now eating handsomely at the top table. The last 10 to 12 years must have been very painful viewing for the people associated with the old guard clubs. A pain that is so intense that they would take their battle against City off the pitch in order to try to remove City from the top echelons of football and try to damage the legacy of the club. They have failed miserably so far. What a job the people at City have done during this coordinated campaign by the old guard clubs. City have the strongest brand. Play the best football. Have the best manager, the strongest brand and hence the highest revenues. Many reasons to be cheerful. There is one battle to be won. The PL charges. Come on City! We can do this.
They also appear to do more for the local community than all the bandwagon clubs put together.
I don't think, for a minute, that this is anything other than a PR exercise by the cartel clubs, with the only objective being to stall our growth, which really threatens to leave them permanently in the dust. The scale of our global development cannot be underestimated, and risks negatively impacting their international support, income, and ability to sign the best. It also provides an example for others with the financial resources to follow. Any damage they can do to our reputation is the only objective, IMO, and it need not be based on fact, because they have a stool-pigeon willing to pick up their baton.
I don't think, for a minute, that this is anything other than a PR exercise by the cartel clubs, with the only objective being to stall our growth, which really threatens to leave them permanently in the dust. The scale of our global development cannot be underestimated, and risks negatively impacting their international support, income, and ability to sign the best. It also provides an example for others with the financial resources to follow. Any damage they can do to our reputation is the only objective, IMO, and it need not be based on fact, because they have a stool-pigeon willing to pick up their baton.
All that, plus the American owned clubs in red want to create a reason to flounce off and form the esl while claiming victimhood and the moral high ground.
i honestly believe that some at the top table just thought we'd be about for a few years, maybe win a cup or two, and then the sheikh would get bored and bugger off, and we'd be back to being just a mid table prem team and no bother to the top 6. how wrong were they! :-)
Possibly some did but my take on it was that our owner was recognised as a world class investor which meant he was there for as long as it took.
This obviously upset their cash cow of maturing plans so they collectively tried to stifle his early investment phase with their unfair version of a Financial Fair Play set of regulations.
This isn't just an attack on City. This is an attack on all football clubs outside of the old guard.

A warning that if you dare take away our nice little earner we will do everything in our power to finish you off.

Make no mistake about it, if Leicester were pushing for their 5th title in 6 seasons they would have been the target.

For the good of football City must prevail.
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theyll go after newcastle next just you watch, its the influence of americans, when they cant face competition the immediate response has always been to sue and that is all thats happening now.

This has nothing to do with being right or wrong and to an extent it doesnt even matter whether the charges are proven to be true or false, because its the accusations that matter and what they bring and once thats out there then you cant get that back.

If by some miracle we do get found guilty of any (which i highly doubt) then its job done, if we get found not guilty which is the more likely outcome then the prevailing thing by the press and the fans will be that we somehow cheated the system, got off on a technicality again etc etc and thats the image they want.

The cartel hate the idea that where they stand now is the result of poor business decisions and mismanagement so they want the people that are showing them up to look like cheats so they can carry on milking their cash cows and they have managed to make the fans blame city rather than expecting better of them, it was a great trick
I don't think, for a minute, that this is anything other than a PR exercise by the cartel clubs, with the only objective being to stall our growth, which really threatens to leave them permanently in the dust. The scale of our global development cannot be underestimated, and risks negatively impacting their international support, income, and ability to sign the best. It also provides an example for others with the financial resources to follow. Any damage they can do to our reputation is the only objective, IMO, and it need not be based on fact, because they have a stool-pigeon willing to pick up their baton.
You’ve pretty well nailed it there. I really can’t see the charges going anywhere, it’s all about damage to our reputation. It makes desperate rival fans excited but they’ve got a bit deranged with it and looking increasingly like fucking sad losers. The treble has pushed them right over the edge. They’re embarrassing themselves. If you can ignore the shit, it’s great fun to watch.
Does anybody have any indication when this will realistically be resolved??
Difficult to say really. It seems that they haven't even decided who will be on the panel yet, although that could be old news now and things might have moved on that score. However, I can't see a decision anytime soon. They've announced the date of Everton's hearing - October I think - but there's no date for ours so it's going to drag on for a good while yet I reckon.

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