PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Is the correct answer , they can stick their TV license up there corrupt arse for me , the BBC is the bentest , most corrupt media organisation in this country by a long long way , from top to bottom in every single department they are bent , I’ve said it before , it’s the media that set every single agenda in this country , from politics to sport , absolutely everything they have their grubby little fingers in , the BBC are allegedly the flagship , corrupt , swilling around in the tax payers money , patting each other on the back at every single level , the self appreciation society in all its glory. Corrupt is too kind a word.

When governments sell off the telco, gas & electricity boards but never let go of the TV & Radio you know there’s a purpose.
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Der Spiegel were being sued by Bayern at the time but they quickly settled. I have always suspected the initial story was a favour to try and placate Bayern who have been one of the most vociferous clubs in slagging our owner. May have just been a random comment that set the hare running.
Not random. You're spot on with this. Posted about it a while back.
Not random. You're spot on with this. Posted about it a while back.
Yes. I think the whole saga started with Bayern/Der Spiegl (not the hacking itself but the targeting of City). Then it was picked up by UEFA and the leaks started from the Investigating Committee to LFC and MUFC officials who briefed the media to keep the pot boiling. I don't think it was a grand conspiracy all the way through though. Pinto was initially targeting Sporting and Benfica but City were collateral damage. Bayern stuck the knife in first. Then LFC and MUFC (helped by Leterme) took an opportunity to spread some more poison. And they are still doing it with the PL inquiry. Based on what I have heard from people I trust, and some of the best comments on this forum, I believe this version of events is very close to what happened.
Yes. I think the whole saga started with Bayern/Der Spiegl (not the hacking itself but the targeting of City). Then it was picked up by UEFA and the leaks started from the Investigating Committee to LFC and MUFC officials who briefed the media to keep the pot boiling. I don't think it was a grand conspiracy all the way through though. Pinto was initially targeting Sporting and Benfica but City were collateral damage. Bayern stuck the knife in first. Then LFC and MUFC (helped by Leterme) took an opportunity to spread some more poison. And they are still doing it with the PL inquiry. Based on what I have heard from people I trust, and some of the best comments on this forum, I believe this version of events is very close to what happened.
The G14 don’t officially exist anymore, having been theoretically subsumed by the newer European Clubs Association (ECA)
However, if anybody thinks those old ties no longer exist, then they haven’t been watching the handful of public schools and universities who supply all our cabinet members and broadcasters
Old entitlement dies hard
The Premier League and The Champions League were supposed to protect the status quo for the old guard. Instead, a club like City has emerged from the shadows and is now eating handsomely at the top table. The last 10 to 12 years must have been very painful viewing for the people associated with the old guard clubs. A pain that is so intense that they would take their battle against City off the pitch in order to try to remove City from the top echelons of football and try to damage the legacy of the club. They have failed miserably so far. What a job the people at City have done during this coordinated campaign by the old guard clubs. City have the strongest brand. Play the best football. Have the best manager, the strongest brand and hence the highest revenues. Many reasons to be cheerful. There is one battle to be won. The PL charges. Come on City! We can do this.

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