PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Feels like the endgame to me this. They want to get us for something and will likely succeed.

They can't take away the last decade the memories will last forever and whatever comes next I will always be thankful for the club and the ownership.


Put the white flag down mate,and get the blue one out ffs !
You always seem a pretty rational poster, and this is one of them!

A few things that have come to light in the past have helped create an impression that the PL is a puppet of the hostile:
- the media report that MU and Liverpool had a veto/private interview with the prospective PL CEO candidates.
- the letter that a number put together writing to CAS in an attempt to force a resolution that season (something that was going to happen anyway) - not the PL, but hostile clubs
- the Red Plan (or whatever it was called) that MU/Liverpool put forward to strip control away the majority of the PL and place it with a few
- the ESL diasater; I think both yours and my clubs were afterthoughts that the other 4 felt obliged to invite, and couldn't afford to say 'no' to), which is why they were the first two out.

There may be more, and that's not taking into account the random punishment behaviour - as far as I know, the postponement of MU-Liverpool by the Glazer hate mob hasn't been punished, and maybe the Bournemouth bomb too. How can those high profile incidents be buried?

Accurate or not, it creates an image that someone is pulling the PL strings.

None of the above will be considered when making reference to bluemoon posting by some hacks, who will selectively refer to the charges - this already happened today when the BBC referred to "UEFA banned City but their lawyers got it overturned", which may just be careless, but implies strongly that it was a legal loophole and not that fact that UEFA had no real evidence of wrongdoing.
You forget the rags and scousers interviewing the chief exec candidates mate!
Don't think so Newcastle will be much more conscious to dot the I's and cross those T's. The only ones sweating right now will be Chelsea.
There are two clubs that should be sweating, however they're probably feeling complacent right now as they're the two main driving forces behind this shite... I just hope the club have been quitely gathering the dirt on them to keep for an occassion like this.
I am a Derby County fan and we have been absolutely shafted by the EFL for far less than what you guys have been charged with.

I think you are almost certain to see a huge points deduction and a two to three year transfer embargo.

You do know that being charged isn’t the same as being found guilty?
I am trying to read through this but it's very early and I don't speak legalese, what have we actually been charged with?

I will try to remain as level headed as possible and say if we have been breaking rules, we deserve punishment. Whatever, I don't think that's the case, but it's possible.

But if this is more bullshit trumped up charges than City has got to start punching back. Because if this truly is targeted it's becoming a distraction and hit on and off the pitch.
Shit situation, our enemies have unleashed the press to diminish our achievements and render us as cheats, again.

Just being "charged" is enough and the media are lapping it up, its like our cas hearing never happened.

Just like being accused of sex crimes, we are immediately guilty in peoples eyes..........job done.

Even if we are cleared(wont go that far, as this is about brand damage) we are tainted, the pl have been complicit in this at the behest of other clubs, against a fellow league member, disgusting.

They know what they are doing, a parting shot from the yank cartel who are fleeing from competition.

We broke their little game, and now we must be punished.

I have no doubt that we have bent the rules, every club does, but some get treated differently.

Hope we wipe the floor with em on and off the pitch, then sue anybody who defamed us.

If we lose they have slammed the door shut on ANY club hoping to challenge the elite.

Good luck with that.

As long as Manchester City exists as a club is all that matters.
The term "going on a fishing trip" is what you are talking about. Auditors do it if you provide them with more information than you have to.

We are under no obligation to pony up everything the PL asks for. Its for them to show proof that we have done something wrong not the other way around.


are united ever questioned about their book keepings ? can our people look through their books

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