PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Serious question here then. How would you feel about the situation if City are indeed found guilty of the bulk of these charges (there 100 of them, so I'm going to assume some of these will stick) and City are handed an unprecedented punishment, say a massive points deduction? Will your anger and ire be directed at your owners, or at the PL?
It really depends on the nature of the charges. I suspect most of them are much less exciting than what people want them to be, and I'm just not sure I care that much if Samir Nasri's contract was partly paid for via external sponsorship. I don't think rival fans care that much either, really, about the specific details of global sports-media contracts. But if people at City have been making stupid, criminal decisions about a club I've grown up with then I'd be pretty annoyed at them, yes. But I long disconnected any sense of my own moral sense of self with my football team, and have long accepted that elite football is full of some stuff I personally find politically a bit gross, and frankly find it hilarious that any premier league fan would wrap their own personal politics or ideology with a sports-entertainment product.
Oh dear - these past 24 hours have been distinctly suboptimal.
Suspect this is going to drag on indefinitely, with regular mentions / digs in the press, Sky, etc.
I’m sticking to my original stance on this matter. It’s out and out racism, we were targeted from the minute we were taken over. The owners have been amazing, dragging the Premier League into the 21st century. The other teams have been forced to keep up with us.
In return we have been persecuted by the media, the Premier League and the big teams.
This will go on, we’ll just have to bear it. Sorry to be dramatic, but I am so sick of it.
That's how I would feel if I was a City fan, but I can understand if people feel persecuted by authorities when you're constantly under the microscope. I see people say, 'oh have you seen bluemoon, totally delusional people over there, proper tinfoil hat stuff' but having spent years posting here and seen it from your perspectives, I kind of get why your immediate reaction is distrust of the PL and their investigation.

You always seem a pretty rational poster, and this is one of them!

A few things that have come to light in the past have helped create an impression that the PL is a puppet of the hostile:
- the media report that MU and Liverpool had a veto/private interview with the prospective PL CEO candidates.
- the letter that a number put together writing to CAS in an attempt to force a resolution that season (something that was going to happen anyway) - not the PL, but hostile clubs
- the Red Plan (or whatever it was called) that MU/Liverpool put forward to strip control away the majority of the PL and place it with a few
- the ESL diasater; I think both yours and my clubs were afterthoughts that the other 4 felt obliged to invite, and couldn't afford to say 'no' to), which is why they were the first two out.

There may be more, and that's not taking into account the random punishment behaviour - as far as I know, the postponement of MU-Liverpool by the Glazer hate mob hasn't been punished, and maybe the Bournemouth bomb too. How can those high profile incidents be buried?

Accurate or not, it creates an image that someone is pulling the PL strings.

None of the above will be considered when making reference to bluemoon posting by some hacks, who will selectively refer to the charges - this already happened today when the BBC referred to "UEFA banned City but their lawyers got it overturned", which may just be careless, but implies strongly that it was a legal loophole and not that fact that UEFA had no real evidence of wrongdoing.
It might be something to do with the fact we are not guilty and our owners don't want to give these lying fuckers any airtime.
Our owners aren't the slightest bit interested in the media and their constant casual racists remarks. The red gobshite clubs have overstepped the mark and defied the ffp rules for years before we became succesful and took one of their places, in return the media have carried out a near 15 year campaign of hate, lies, and absolute racist slander against us and our owners.

I would love nothing more than to see khaldoon open a huge can of worms about every other club, and there is dirt on other clubs, but not a chance this fella lowers himself to these maggots levels, he is 1 million times smarter than that.

You've heard of the phrase keep your friends close and your enemies closer yeah? That's what is happening now.

Just have to sit tight, let it breathe, let the giddy twats like neville, scouse ****, sky et al think we're doomed as we'll come out smelling of roses.
tbh mate I've been hearing the same for a decade, and nothing has changed. It's time we changed our approach, because all we have achieved with the passive approach is to allow the bullies to continue bullying

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