PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You got me bang to rights GT.

These "115 charges" are a total myth. As I've said, from what we know (which admittedly isn't complete by any means) there are three substantive charges.
  • The Mancini Al Jazira contract, which is a total red herring and irrelevance.
  • The image rights payments via a third party, which UEFA knew (& weren't bothered) about.
  • Some of the sponsorships, probably Etisalat mainly, that was done ore-FFP and that we showed UEFA had been done properly in order to meet FFP when it was introduced.
That's it seemingly. All the rest either flow from that or come from each of these being split over multiple rules and multiple years. So, to take the Mancini contract as an example, it's almost inconceivable that it breached Rule x one year but not the next. Or that it breached Rule x but not Rule y.
Cheers PB

Just so I can get my facts right when I defend our club from numerous fuckwits.... why is the Mancini contract a red herring and irelevance?
You got me bang to rights GT.

These "115 charges" are a total myth. As I've said, from what we know (which admittedly isn't complete by any means) there are three substantive charges.
  • The Mancini Al Jazira contract, which is a total red herring and irrelevance.
  • The image rights payments via a third party, which UEFA knew (& weren't bothered) about.
  • Some of the sponsorships, probably Etisalat mainly, that was done ore-FFP and that we showed UEFA had been done properly in order to meet FFP when it was introduced.
That's it seemingly. All the rest either flow from that or come from each of these being split over multiple rules and multiple years. So, to take the Mancini contract as an example, it's almost inconceivable that it breached Rule x one year but not the next. Or that it breached Rule x but not Rule y.

The 115 charges was probably the brain child of the PL PR / Media department rather than the Legal Counsel. It’s all about headlines and sullying our name and reputation, I’m inclined to speculate. The number of charges is a ‘red herring’ and I don’t know what you think but I’m still thinking that to prove any of the charges the PL are gonna have to find some level of fraud or serious misrepresentation in our filed accounts - which would have serious implications for both our auditors and some of our sponsors (and maybe Silverlake too). As time goes by I feel less inclined that this will get resolved by compromise- and that there will be a judgment in favour of one party over the other. Do I think our owners will be disgraced and declared deliberately corrupt and guilty of serious fraud - no I don’t. Do I think the PL are a bunch of chancers egged on to make a catalogue of unsubstantiated accusations by a group of jealous American owners who have convinced themselves of our guilt without the facts to back up their accusations- probably; given the weakness of similar accusations presented at UEFA.
I think it might be taking so long because they've got next to fuck all that will stand.
I wouldn't be surprised if they are seeing if we will "settle out of court" with a slap on the wrist type outcome.

Fuck that,we've done that dance before.
Not a chance that happens.

We are either guilty or not guilty, this has to end and the only way is with a not guilty decision.
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Is anyone else finding 115 boring?
It's like a high score that you can't better.
I think it's about high time that more charges were added weekly maybe getting it up a more user friendly 250 for example by Christmas and then maybe a small lift at the End of January when the credit card bill is in, to say 300.
We could have a counter outside the ground that is like the countdown to Christmas but in reverse, make sure there is enough room for 4 digits though (We don't wan't to make the same mistake that nearly ended the world in 1999!)

Finally in 2050 after we have reached net zero and Putin is pulling his OAP's out of Ukraine someone at City will issue a cease or desist notice to the PL!
Cheers PB

Just so I can get my facts right when I defend our club from numerous fuckwits.... why is the Mancini contract a red herring and irelevance?
1. Because it's completely insignificant in the overall numbers. £1.75m a year, when he was getting much more than that directly from us. Does that figure, on top of the huge multi-million pound losses (nearly £200m in one year) we were reporting suggest a large scale fraud?

2. The PL would have to prove that he did nothing for that sum, and I doubt they could do that. Whereas Mancini could easily prove he (or his representatives) did fulfil the contract.

3. The full details of that contract were published by Der Spiegel in 2018. Yet UEFA didn't pursue it. If it was such an open goal, they certainly would have. The fact they didn't suggests they didn't see it as a problem.
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Same people who leaked the premier league asked for a 12 point deduction?
That was genuine, numerous journals reported the premier league have asked for a 12 point deduction

But the premier league is only one of a number of parties who give evidence to the commission who make the ultimate decision.

It seems someone on the commission may have leaked it’s likely to be a suspended points deduction

I am more surprised the fine is only £3m, I thought it would be many multiples and more like £30m

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