PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The panel won’t call it that, but it is essentially what they are saying.

If they are challenging the veracity of our disclosed accounts, that’s akin to fraud. Their burden of proof will be less than in a court though.
I agree mate. It’s this vague catch all “balance of probability“ which is the main concern. i guess it also means or should I say I hope it means any punishment meted out on a balance of probability verdict shouldn’t be as severe due to it not being cut and dried as so to speak. Btw I am just trying to make myself better about this whole shitshow.
Charging someone with a breach of a regulation to which they are theoretically subject cannot amount to defamation.

I suppose we could suspect there was a a plot, lobbying & corruption but impossible to prove that Masters & others had acted in bad faith in bringing charges. Just as it’s likely impossible that they can prove anything against us.

Could we at least knock up 115 accusations to keep the fun going…
Everton (blue shirt) - plainly and in full audited accounts view, broke the P&S rules by about £20m. No argument there. Discussion to be had about penalty imposed for a relatively minor breach - though it has been mentioned that they tried various shenanigans to work around it.

Chelsea (blue shirt) - new owners self report that previous oligarch owner ‘was a bit dodgy’, club already likely to break P&S next year, and now facing hefty and documented issues with FFP rules.
No argument there, but very different to Everton. Probably hefty points deduction, fines and possibly expulsion. Will take awhile unraveling the past, might even get done on P&S before!

City (blue shirt) CAS: ‘no evidence’ x umpteen times, ‘time barred, but would be fine anyway’, different fine for not cooperating due to the witch-hunt /leaking/guilty before charged bollox… PL ‘oh ok mr gill and mr parry, we’ll try as well’ and just about FFP , nowt todo with P&S…

But apparently Everton case = Chelsea case = City case …. !

And for context.

United (red shirt) ‘oh you had a small breech, here’s a small fine, what’s that , what was the breech? Can’t say mate’

Liverpool (red shirt) shhhh don’t mention Stanley park stadium, database hacking, bus attacks, child harming, ‘always the victims’ etc ad nauseum

Arsenal (red shirt), ‘look the Fischman money from blood diamonds was a long time ago, it’s not worth going back to it…’
The completely disproportionate "treatment" handed out to Everton has triggered the predictable excitement in the mainstream media which takes us all way beyond the limits of dispassionate analytical thought and into the realms of waking nightmare. Bluemoon is infected as posters chew on the treatment we could cop for if Everton can be handled so. Some have kept clear heads and, thankfully, point out that City claim that the evidence of innocence the club has presented is "irrefutable" and so speculation as to the draconian punishment which will be handed down to us is irrelevant. The still small voice of reason cries out "we haven't done anything wrong".

This is, in many ways, a re-run of our troubles with UEFA which culminated in the CAS judgement. The adjudicatory chamber of M. Leterme threw a hissy fit when it was accused of leaking like a sieve and the media was able to announce with a note of triumph the sentence which was to be passed - before the inquiry was complete. CAS found that UEFA had no evidence - no evidence at all, no simply not enough - to prove the very serious charges of concealing the origin of income - and judgement was conclusively in City's favour. After an indecent period the PL, bullied by Mr Levy as the representative of a murky group of clubs, was pushed into having another go. Unfortunately the charge sheet was rather confused and City were accused of not cutting the grass properly but then the PL upped its game and decided City should be accused of fraud. The question of evidence remains. UEFA had no more than a few scruffy, doctored emails. Do the PL have even that? Are they actually trying to fend off an independent regulator and are City (and Everton!) a means to that end? At this late stage it is impossible that City will agree to take a slap on the wrist to save the PL's dirty face.

The cast iron certainty of the media that City are guilty has to be set against City's insistence that we are innocent. I would also point out that the opinion of lawyers (admittedly usually with connections with City) tends to the view either that the PL will find it extremely difficult to uphold their case or they will find it impossible without compelling new evidence - and no-one has any inkling that this exists.
So you think City will be found guilty of fraud? That's what the charges relate to? I don't personally as if they had evidence surely they would have substantiated their claims by now. Yet four years later and we've heard nothing more, why would that be. City has denied all allegations and basically said put up or shut up. The silence is deafening. My guess is that the PL are looking for a way out to save face, with City accepting some minor punishment, but City have said no, we're not accepting anything.

All imho, of course, but the club isn't going to be found guilty of fraud.

Firstly, because I doubt very much the club has produced fraudulently misleading accounts. But mostly, because the PL doesn't have the competence, the resources or the power to prosecute to such a verdict. Can you imagine the PL finding the club guilty and then the SFO or whoever don't pursue the case for lack of evidence or do pursue it and find the club not guilty? The resulting compensation claims for lost income, impaired value and reputational damage would take down the PL, its management and half the clubs in it. No KC is taking that reputational risk, either. Imo. What the IP should do if they think there has been criminality, is send the evidence to a relevant prosecuting authority, and then assess the situation once criminality has been confirmed or, most likely, dismissed. I don't know what they are doing with those allegations.

As for the accounts not giving a true and fair view, I am not buying that either. The Mancini payments are nowhere near material even if they weren't accounted for properly (remember we were making losses of 100-200 million a year in those days). The Etisalat sponsorship doesn't prevent a true and fair view even if Mansour paid it all himself. It was a valid contract at fair value (which no-one has contested), serviced completely and paid in full, eventually, by Etisalat. The only thing may be a classification error in the balance sheet between when ADUG paid the monies, and Etisalat reimbursed them, and possibly a related note disclosure. Not material enough, at all, to prevent a true and fair view. Etihad would be material enough, but again, it is accepted to be fair value under a valid contract, which was serviced and paid in full and so is properly reflected in the accounts, imo. And the sale of image rights was a perfectly normal exercise in financial planning to accelerate income. Yes, it helped us meet UEFA FFP (we thought!), but it has been, as far as I am aware, accounted for perfectly normally. The PL may not like it and may wish to adjust for it, but that is nothing to do with true and fair accounts. The auditors know best what gives a true and fair view of the club's financial position based on the completed contractual positions.

So that leaves interpretation around some accounting treatments they may not like, and may wish to adjust for, and some disclosures to the PL that they may feel were missing. And co-operation, of course. I am reasonably sure the club can justify its accounting treatments, though, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Then again, I thought we were going to get screwed by UEFA but got that wrong, so my confidence is probably misplaced and we are fucked. :)
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They have fucked it with this Everton decision. It makes no sense, you failed FFP by 20 million so we'll relegate you in the middle of a half a billion stadium development and send your 100+ year old institution bust.

Its a load of bullshit, the Government need to step in and wipe the boards and setup an independent regulator.

The current PL clowns are currently fucking up the UKs biggest cultural export to the world at the behest of a few yank owners who want a closed shop like the NFL to line their dirty pockets.
Yep, it's fucking perverse. These so called regulations were brought in to stop clubs going under. So what do they do. Dock points to the extent it could cause bankruptcy somewhere down the line, to a long standing old school club.
Smaller clubs struggling to pay the bills, ye let's deduct point and give em a big fucking fine, that'll make sure they survive.
With their race to protect the red ****'s status, they've thrown everyone else under the bus.
The sooner the independent regulator comes in and sorts this shitshow out the better.
A few have said that the PL would suffer if they relegated City and Chelsea. I'm not sure it would. I don't think it'll happen either - I suppose people are looking at the nuclear option. However, if we got relegated the PL would have the league being battled out with the Rags and the Dippers right up there. Anyone who thinks that wouldn't sell globally has been on the sauce. The PL's we dream is to have the Rags and Dippers fighting it out again.
I suppose we could suspect there was a a plot, lobbying & corruption but impossible to prove that Masters & others had acted in bad faith in bringing charges. Just as it’s likely impossible that they can prove anything against us.

Could we at least knock up 115 accusations to keep the fun going…
Its been muted that certain “cartel” clubs are paying the Legal Bills…. Conflict of interest much!!

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