PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

“stated they lost €281m due to the pandemic but could only write off a €15m loss in the accounts they submitted to European football’s governing body.”
So under PL rules they’re allowed to lose £105m over 3 seasons, they lost €281m.
So that’s £140m loses the premier league allowed them to write off for Covid?
Probably me being thick cos it doesn’t add up to me.
Doesn’t help that hardly any reports mention the actual amount they lost.
Funny that.

Surely any breach, however 'technical' it may be, warrants some sort of investigation by the PL?
The vast majority know very little about FFP and even less about our charges (or Everton's). Even if we were found "guilty" of all the charges, we're talking about probably £12.5m per year. I thought it was slightly more but Reuters estimated the image rights as £10m, whereas I thought it was around £17m. That's nowhere near enough to turn meeting the PL's FSR into failing them, as Everton did.

And none of our charges post-date 2018, so for the last five years, while we've won all these trophies under Pep, there's been no problem.

People don’t realize it was NOT us breaking FFP because we couldn’t balance the books, but rather being accused of “sleight of hand” on certain expenditures or inflows, such as Mancini’s second job or a commercial deal. However, as you rightly state, even if these were taken into account, they would not have broken City’s FFP balance requirements over the rolling 3 years, especially given the dispensations, like COVID, when City were still printing money!

In contrast, Everton KNEW they’d fallen foul of FFP but still didn’t do what the likes of Wolves did fo…sell assets, even at bargain prices, to balance the books. Instead, they asked for forgiveness because certain business transactions didn’t pan out!!! They admitted it, because they had no choice, and were told that the business aspects of their FFP excesses were normal business and not extraordinary enough to act as an ameliorating factor.

In short, “you knew, or should have known, you were not going to make it and could have corrected it but didn’t!”

Personally, I think it is an exceedingly harsh penalty, but they’ve got lots of time to climb out of the hole.

My fear is that the timing of any punishment meted out on City would be far less fortuitous.

Anybody spot the difference?
United breached the FFP target by £266m....13 times more than Everton did!
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Surely any breach, however 'technical' it may be, warrants some sort of investigation by the PL?
The way it reads is that they satisfied the PL FFP hurdles, but UEFA allowed a much lower COVID allowance, so that lack of a larger allowance put them over the red line in UEFA’s eyes.
I literally have no idea as I’m not involved in the process. I would suspect though we are guilty of a few of the charges yes.

But to the wider point you’re inferring, if you can’t handle a few people getting the knives out when we take a knock then maybe supporting city isn’t for you mate. Success breeds envy. But just because of that it doesn’t mean you have to go totally the opposite way and cry about injustice and believe there’s some big huge conspiracy.

Truth is often in the middle.
Even if that was the case, and i'm saying a big IF, have they sufficient (even ANY) evidence to prove it.
As many previously have said, what they are accusing us of ,has sod all to do with FFP, they are accusing us of repeated, criminal, jail time serving, FRAUD!
I haven’t reviewed all 115 charges no and before you jump all over that I would bet my house 90% of people posting in here haven’t either.

From what I have read I think we did employ Mancini after he was sacked in an advisory role. How much of the role was to counter FFP or was really a job in itself only Mancini and city know. My hunch is it’s what’s called “creative accounting”. Does that mean the charge will stick? Who knows but I equally don’t think that charge is so unfair gross miscarriage of justice.

Anyway apologies if I’ve come across arrogant I just find a lot of posters in this thread only want to deal in theatrics.
that's not creative accounting , it's illegal
Just say IF the PL decide to pursue and issue a punishment to CITY for FFP and to other top tier clubs like Chelsea will this push the Euro Super League back onto the scene?

Bear in mind UEFA and the financial mess of Barca, Madrid and in Italy...not to mention PSG - the pressures is growing.....

Is this all a VERY BIG risk for PL and UEFA as all these clubs might just be handed the ammo and excuse to say "fuck you PL and UEFA we are off to set up our own league" and just maybe if us 'the fans' see it as US being punished by PL and UEFA we might just not fight against it as much as last time......Im just thinking ahead where football is going - COULD FFP have this a dominoe effect?
The Super League will come for European football one way or another. Either UEFA will retain some organisational involvement or the clubs will just break away. Digital streaming means bigger clubs who control their own broadcasting can make £100m on one pay-per-view match rather than the crumbs they currently get (£100m a season for winning the Final). There is no reason for UEFA to exist. It is just a commercial rival for sponsorship. Domestic football will survive though, especially the PL.
Yep, it’s a great short cut.

People are tripping over each other to tell the world what City’s punishment for 115 charges should be, esp given Everton actually fessed up to ONE CHARGE, it was peanuts, and yet they got the 10 pt deduction. City, on the other hand, have 115 CHARGES, and bring City (and dirty Arab oil money!! Sheesh!!!) they must be much worse, so the punishment must be considerably greater!!

The logic is eye-wateringly childish and lacking any facts, but who cares?! Let’s run with that narrative!

I see the tabloids are using their “poll results” to say “the fans have spoken” and XX% say the punishment should be points, XX% say it should be relegation, and XX% say it should be stripping of titles, etc, etc, etc… Accordingly, the PL “should” do these things!!

Talk about public hanging before the trial!!!

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