PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The scouting databse stuff seems pretty desperate.
I think it is nothing more than stoking the fires.

No chance that its a coincidence that after this case starts ramping up and Everton get a 10pt deduction, a story comes out about Defoe for example.

City and Everton probably in cahoots, just throwing small bones to the media to get things stirring.

Up and down the country, fans are now talking about City, Everton, Spurs and there will be plenty more to come I reckon.

The Athletic have already written a huge report (again!) about the Newcastle take over and using the FoI act to get emails to prove conversations etc. The more fires the premier league have to fight the better imo.
Tin foil hat time but wondering if all the recent leaks are as a result of us or yourselves airing others dirty laundry.

We had the FOI requests on Newcastles takeover, where it appears that the government put pressure on the PL to accept the takeover.

A Spurs dodgy deal with Defoe now looks to be getting looked into again

Then today, one of yours @tolmie's hairdoo tweeting that there is pressure on the PL to investigate the hacking of your scouting database.

They may not have anything to do with each other but all coming out since we were hit with the 10pt deduction and City's name is getting dragged up again as if you are already guilty.

Even if its not either clubs, I really hope we just start throwing everyone elses shady shit out there and throw the PL into chaos.

I'd say ourselves. Our chairman and Pep has said many times others need to be careful about their own housekeeping. It's inconceivable to believe other clubs haven't got skeletons in their closet. Our owner certainly has the money and wherewithal to uncover those skeletons if they exist. Other clubs, we all know who they are, would have been better leaving well alone. That also applies to the premier league.
A string of TH tweets this morning suggest clubs are asking the PL to further investigate the dippers hacking our scouting system a few years ago. Finally. I’ve been waiting for this!

He’s not done all the tweets as a thread but if you go to his profile then you’ll see them.

God I hope this is true.
I keep hearing dippers say “yeah but we admitted that and were found guilty and fined”
Absolute bollocks.
They admitted nothing, probably wasn’t even their fault.
The PL rules don't include anything about limitation. UEFA's do, so UEFA are limited to five years by their own rules.

The PL can charge as far back as they like. It would be up to the commission to decide on whether to apply the six year limitation provided for in English law. Exceptions are concealment, fraud and mistake. City will argue none of these apply, and limitation should be enforced.

The PL have every right to charge Liverpool, they just choose not to. It's probably fair to say Liverpool concealed their criminal activity from the PL.
There certainly should be enough reason for the PL to suspect that Liverpool did something incorrect and therefore accuse them of having broken the rules and open an investigation. If the PL considered every illegal access to City's data a rule break there would be more that 115 charges I suspect. There were also clear sporting advantages for Liverpool by spying, so many grounds to investigate.
regarding the hacking of our database can someone remind me again how a one million pound "settlement" was agreed and it went no further? i cant remember :-(
Tin foil hat time but wondering if all the recent leaks are as a result of us or yourselves airing others dirty laundry.

We had the FOI requests on Newcastles takeover, where it appears that the government put pressure on the PL to accept the takeover.

A Spurs dodgy deal with Defoe now looks to be getting looked into again

Then today, one of yours @tolmie's hairdoo tweeting that there is pressure on the PL to investigate the hacking of your scouting database.

They may not have anything to do with each other but all coming out since we were hit with the 10pt deduction and City's name is getting dragged up again as if you are already guilty.

Even if its not either clubs, I really hope we just start throwing everyone elses shady shit out there and throw the PL into chaos.
I think you're right. It's started. Stunned nothing has come up about Rag dodgy dealings yet and the piss can's son.

I think the PL have scored an OG here. No one except City care about the 115 charges as they probably all believe we're guilty due to the press coverage. However, I think the 10 points they've taken from Everton has got everyone worried. I bet every CFO and CEO have been working weekends since that 10 points, and the 5 clubs looking at taking action against Everton - they'll be shitting it.

The PL have fucked up. The 115 charges were grandstanding and they should never have done it in the way they did, but the Everton case really has got all fans talking.

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