PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

There is also the small issue not lost on this melt of the estimated nearly 5 million documents in this case that would need to be read.
By my quick (and sometime flawed) calculations this would take nearly 20 years for 1 person to read at 10 hours per day!
Not sure how many pages you can fit on a tweet but I think X may have to be renamed XXL if it was all uploaded there.
Noticed the prat hasn't asked the PL to publish their evidence to show how we broke the rules, just wants us to produce ours so he can try to pick holes in it.
I think you're right. It's started. Stunned nothing has come up about Rag dodgy dealings yet and the piss can's son.

I think the PL have scored an OG here. No one except City care about the 115 charges as they probably all believe we're guilty due to the press coverage. However, I think the 10 points they've taken from Everton has got everyone worried. I bet every CFO and CEO have been working weekends since that 10 points, and the 5 clubs looking at taking action against Everton - they'll be shitting it.

The PL have fucked up. The 115 charges were grandstanding and they should never have done it in the way they did, but the Everton case really has got all fans talking.

Not exactly legal language but spot on. As PR would say, they have over-reached. Either they have some damning new evidence that none of us know about, or they have fucked up / over-reached. I can't see much middle ground.
If all the club has to throw at Liverpool is the hacking affair that was settled 'out of court' between the two parties then everyone can forget about 'going nuclear' or 'shit storms' or whatever.

If we had any evidence of major wrongdoing by any rival club it would be out there already, either directly or via third parties. We have nothing of note.
That tweet doesn’t mention City pushing this, it mentions other clubs pushing it.
Which would be better imo if other PL teams are starting to wake up to the bullshit.
This hacking story getting mentioned again is unfortunately a load of bollocks.

That ship sailed a long time ago - and won’t be getting looked into again.
I'm surprised that more people haven't asked you so I will. You have a unique viewpoint on here in that you have stated several times that relations between us and Liverpool (& other rival clubs) have improved to the point that they are on our side. You also say the endpoint in this process is the PL withdrawing charges and PL clubs voting / lobbying for that to happen.

Whilst I'd be delighted for that to happen and even if relations between us and Liverpool say have improved I find it hard to believe that they are now actually supporting us. My question is how much of this is personal opinion (joining the dots as you've said) and how much is based on information you have received? My follow up question is how reliable is any information you are party to? I'm struggling to see what's in it for Liverpool for instance as getting rid of the dominant force in English football surely outweighs any other advantage.
At a guess, I’d suggest it’s something to do with Mansour’s £750m investment into RedBird, who own 11% of Liverpool FC

Just a guess mind, but money does make the world go round

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