PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Not a smoking gun but certainly supports the theory that this was rushed with obscene haste for purely political reasons around the white paper and an independent regulator
I think City would probably now support a truly independent body that keeps the criminals and vested interests of the old G14 to heel
I think it can be read in a few ways. Regardless of what we think, it's good PR and I can see why the club are spinning it that way. I mostly thought it would be useful for everyone to see the difference that the club is talking about.
Is it really correct that we will have no right to appeal any decision made by a panel of hand picked Rag/Liverpool sycophants ?

Surely there must be an arbitration and appeal process ?

What options do we have then to challenge a Premier League Kangaroo Court finding ?

They talk about justice and transparency yet operate like a Cartel.
Can go to court, not cas if I read rightly
The club put a stake in the sand in 2014 saying that they would take a pinch but no more

They have backed this up in 2019 with the UEFA case and are doing again now with PL version

They must be very confident as the club , the boards and UAE’s reputation hangs on this
If our defence and only focus, is on their ‘typos’ you know, basic house-keeping erroneous stuff like that, and ‘not' on whether their allegations are ‘true' or ‘false’ - well, we're fucked!
The timing of this really shows they are slavering at the prospect of a rags/gooners title race.
Lets knock city for 6 while they aren't themselves.
I think it is tbh , who’s going to manage us through this shit storm , the club have denied any wrongdoing, and Pep is going to get asked about it in every single press conference as long as he’s here, who’s going to come in and manage us with all this shit going on , because they will also have to fend off non football matters.
Soriano needs to come out quick on the press with this immediately, and threaten to sue anybody who speaks untruths - the club can’t just put out a weak club statement as a denial , this needs sorting out by him or someone further up the food chain , sort it fucking out now City before the club implodes.
Sounds like the only thing thats going to implode is you.

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