PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Didn’t we play Liverpool in the cup not so long ago and klopp complained about the length of the grass? So obvious were the source of these “charges” come from
I don't remember that, well there you go, scouse twats sticking their oar in again, no charge for their hacking though but it's okay they paid City 1m hush money because they didn't do it.
what possible reason would we decide to play nice after being railroaded then
What's being nice for to do with it? You said we will go nuclear and release the hounds.

I don't doubt we will not be nice but what hounds?

And what is exactly going nuclear? Shouldst we have done that already since most of the damage is already done (ie to reputation)
Exposes how stupid Mike Keegan is and many of his colleagues. Not a trial, we have not been “charged.” We have been accused of breaking the internal rules of the PL by its senior management most of whom have no significant legal or financial experience. This is why we need an independent regulator.
Sue who for what?

Even in the absolute best case scenario that this is all a wild goose chase, trying to rehash the UEFA case, the fact still remains that City could’ve put this to bed at any time in the past 5 years, rather than clam up on legal advice and refuse to respond to the PL’s fishing trips.

No court in the world is going to rule jn your favour for something you could’ve actively prevented.
stop posting shit
Didn’t we play Liverpool in the cup not so long ago and klopp complained about the length of the grass? So obvious were the source of these “charges” come from
I thought the 'grass length' thing was a mistake? Something to do with the rule book for each year having different numbering - so rule 112b, or whatever, referred to grass length in the current rule book, but in the year we were being charged for, it referred to something financial.
So that genius Simon Jordan thinks we must be guilt because if we where innocent we would want this resolved as quickly as possible.

First off who says we don’t ?

Second if I am on CCTV seen committing a murder and policeman turns up to witness me trying to cover things up but sees me with the murder weapon in my hand and blood all over me it won’t take long to convict if however there is more doubt less evidence or even no evidence but it’s hard to prove a negative then I would spend ages at court with character witness and counter theories counter evidence like I was somewhere else and here is the proof etc

Also he says we will appeal to CAS first don’t think we can second he is assuming guilt again
The dick head wrote an article in the Mail yesterday saying United should be more like city if they want to be successful! Is he taking the piss!

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