PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

When City are found innocent, can we all please sue the PL for damages, deformation etc?
Deformation…That sounds painful mate. What was deformed and did you need to take meds. Not promising, but you might get to claim the cost of those back at the least if you can pin it on the PL. @gordondaviesmoustache might even want to get involved in arguing that one.
You seem to be basing your propositions on the assumption that a KC won't take a case they are going to lose. I guess you have more faith in the legal profession than I do. There are many reasons why a lawyer may take such a case, but most of them revolve around continued access to money.

Anyway, we will see soon enough, I suppose.

As an aside, though. What sort of evidence do you think the PL may have found from a review of the club's accounting and other records (and only the club's accounting and other records) that may bring them to their conclusion that for more than a decade the club has filed annual accounts that don't give a true and fair view?

A reminder from Lord Pannick about taking on an almost certain losing case……

People think maybe I can sprinkle some magic dust on their cases – but some cases aren’t winnable. I spend much of my time saying, “Stop, you’ll lose.” Then I hear the words, “This is a matter of principle.” It’s the client’s prerogative. My role is to contribute to justice by making sure that the client’s side is fully argued.’

I would imagine for every KC that wins, there is a loser.
There’s no public statement by either City or PL re Autumn 2024 for the hearing do who started all this?

Is it a leak or wishful thinking or just another case a KFA making something up to see who runs with it????
IMHO it's been put out there to distance ourselves from the Everton case and get the red shirts back in their box for a while .the timing of this story is very convenient to me .
Anyone else finding that you can't get more than four or five sentences into a conversation about City's charges before the other party exposes that they don't have a clue what they're on about?

That post earlier about us being in a 'post-truth society' really hits home. They've seen some bloke on Twitter say that 'City only got off on a technicality last time' and they all believe it.
"You only got off at CAS as all the charges were time-barred" usually happens in the first sentence when engaging with mouth-breathing fuckwits on social media!
I can't say I've ever discussed it with anyone, and nobody has ever brought it up with me either.

I'm not worried about it at all, and I've no idea how this thread got to over 3000 pages.
Twatter's usually the place for it but if you don't do Twatter you might not know. I would say that when engaging with opposition fans in person, I don't think a single one has ever brought it up. And I include United and Liverpool fans in that.
So how this will end (my bet..)

City gets cleared..

Pep becomes England manager at the end of 2024/2025 season..

Fucking politics..
if we are found guilty of anything, why cant we go back to the CAS - surely thats what it is for?
Because the Prem rule book doesn't allow an appeal to CAS my understanding is
Case examined by PL to see if any case to answer,
Handed over to independent tribunal
Case heard and judgement made
Potential to appeal to a new tribunal
Only further opportunity is to take the case to UK courts but not to appeal sentence only to challenge process or breach of UK statute.
I await to be corrected.

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