PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Fucking Jordan again chuntering about Citys perceived procrastination when we are a defendant clearly in dispute with an aggressive plaintiff.

Somehow at our behest we can hugely expedite this hearing as we have previously expressed a wish to "have it dealt with quickly", even when the timelines are being laid down by the independant commission. He states this facetiously of course as if that somehow insinuates deliberate delay by City or its advocates which in turn of course points to "guilt" or "avoidance".

Then because he sued Dowie and thinks he knows the civil law procedures extrapolated an appeal process, because we've been found in breach of course, by which we somehow appeal to CAS and the process lasts until 2030!

Now previously I thought he was being deliberately provocative in his statements for triggering listeners as is talkshites modus operandi. However its now quite clear he does in fact know fuck all about our case or the hearings process and is as ill informed as your average Arsenal fan, just says it without that fucking awful narf Landan accent.
Jordan with his 80's hairstyle and all of Talkshite just pander to their core customers , simpleton Rags , Dippers and Goons who believe every word that is churned out on that Gutter brush radio channel , i only listen for comedic value and the inaccurate "facts" they continually spout, you can imagine some sad Dipper under his King Kenny duvet deaming of the many Premier league challenges they f*cked up now becoming title winning seasons, f*cking weirdo's.
If it wasnt for MCFC & VAR there wouldnt be any need for Talkshite , they would have f*ck all else to moan about.
I was thinking this before. Why did the glazers suddenly have a change of heart and decide to stay. Fsg at the dips also wanted out. Someone changed to make them want to stay. City being out of the picture would be my guess
Nah they think an international champs league style league with FIFA at the helm with mad Saudi’s pumping in billions. Another day pay day for the Yanks! They are here for the gravy train.
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"You only got off at CAS as all the charges were time-barred" usually happens in the first sentence when engaging with mouth-breathing fuckwits on social media!
When in actual fact the time barred were never proven or disproven because they were never investigated , but so any of the media believe we must have been guilty and we wriggled out of the charges.It was CAS who decided they were to be time barred not us , and i am quite sure we had sufficient evidence to prove our innocence , but it wasnt needed.
Its just part of the continued unprecedented smear campaign , no other English football club has had so much shite thrown at them , it really is relentless and driven by the greed and jealousy of clubs who just cannot compete with us on the pitch and are fighting a losing battle in the revenue stakes.
My only surprise is our hierarchy have not gone legal on so many of the blatant media lies , maybe they are keeping their powder dry and when all this bolllocks is over and done with , the likes of Harris ,Delooney , Jordan and other will lose the shirts off thire backs in court , i can only hope so.
It's odd that the pl didnt look at the UEFA case and think we'll keep clear of that. Instead the pl jumped in with both feet with an ill prepared charged sheet.
Just as UEFA layed the charges on the last possible day the PL were coerced into proceeding too. The politics around the Super League, etc, all in play. It's all entirely political.
I was thinking this before. Why did the glazers suddenly have a change of heart and decide to stay. Fsg at the dips also wanted out. Someone changed to make them want to stay. City being out of the picture would be my guess
I think it was more of the red twats forcing the issue with Masters and the PL. Their statements came out just prior to the charges so it all adds up.
Hypothetically, let’s say the league came to the conclusion that they do not have enough evidence due to 1. because we have done fuck all wrong & 2. They can’t reach the extremely high threshold required to accuse the club of fraud. So out comes a statement saying the case is closed and we are satisfied MCFC have acted in good faith and within the legal and accounting framework. City agree as we want to stay at the top and off we go again.

Another battle won albeit with a few scraps.

All behind this political and financial pressure will be asserted.

It’s only my opinion mate. These things normally go away when no one is looking.
Could happen and if it did then a few heads will role at PL HQ starting with Masters It would also strengthen City’s hand
Go to NeverAFoulReacts on YouTube look at ‘Man City charges explained’
He's such a disingenuous ****. Says I haven't watched the video before, but he obviously has. Knows exactly where to pause the video, and when to end it, even though there's still 5 mins of the video left.

Anyone who genuinely hadn't watched the video, would watch until the end, if they were genuinely interested.

He's just another click-bait **** after views.

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