PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The CAS ruling included a logical contradiction that probably only lawyers would understand. The court went to pains to explain why the leaked/stolen emails were admissible. However it went on to say the emails were only indicative of possible payments, in some cases purely internal and speculative exchanges. The ruling stated that the actual events ie the transaction based evidence superseded the emails. So although admissible the emails became completly irrelevant, and that's why UEFA lost.
Without doubt the majority 2-1 outcome was borderline insanity. The 2 were saying there's NO evidence of wrong doing so City must win, but the 1 still said guilty. The ruling did NOT explain why he voted that way. Once again, to the lay person, another contradiction.
The UEFA cosen judge voted in their favour
3 judges chosen from a CAS Panel one chosen by CAS the chairman then one each by UEFA and CITY
Is there no way City can do a sit down interview with Khaldoon and call the Premier League out and explain to the idiots how serious these charges are and how everything has been signed off and the sponsors have done nothing wrong. Surely sponsors are annoyed at what’s going on. Surely deep down the journalists reporting all this know the actual facts like Etihad not related party and know that it’s just mad to accuse the people at city in directly of fraud
No. It’s now got to remain private so that there is no misleading uninformed accusations all over the press. Less said the better.

We can’t give fodder to the media that they can twist to suit.

If we say nothing & they write stuff that’s libellous- we can take them to task later
I guess than that the pl released the charge sheet against the advice of their lawyers. Surely the lawyers would have gone through the charges and made sure it was all correct ?
The PL felt they had to get this out before the announcement of the gov decision to have an independent regulator. Rushed job which the lawyers would have advised against EVEN IF THEY KNEW. HMM…
Crikey! Where did that come from? If that were the case, it would be a massive scandal and the worst own goal in the history of football. Willie Donachie and Jamie Pollack shift uncomfortably.

Imagine if that could be proven lol.

I guess indirectly City are paying the pl to charge City. Dont all clubs fund the pl ?
I guess than that the pl released the charge sheet against the advice of their lawyers. Surely the lawyers would have gone through the charges and made sure it was all correct ?
Assuming the PL ran it past legal people there is no evidence that they did Considering how they cock-up the announcement assigning the wrong references then I somewhat doubt the did Ultimately they have referred City on a number of possible rule breaches to a commision which will be set up by the PL's retained KC to investigate
Even though the evidence was in our favour??? Shows how corrupt UEFA is if their representative can’t be impartial

I wouldnt trust UEFA, pl, fa etc

Even my local grassroots league and kent fa back when I was a grassroots coach was as bent as a nine bob note. I know with their jumped up charges and 4 year kent fa ban given to me lol. Which was rescinded once it was proved they were breaking The FA rules and changing them without permission from The FA and ignoring bullying lol.
The ”dark side” of the PL cartel charges are a by-product never acknowledged in the MSM. Ranging from countless micro aggressions to physical attacks on innocent blues, often for just wearing their colours in public. From memory, the two fans, one in Dortmund and the older guy in Holland who sustained life changing injuries the most serious. There was also the girl who sustained head and facial injuries while just watching the game, her “crime” was sitting in a City section. Add to the list the infamous bus whackers attack on the team bus, this included some serious pyrotechnics thrown underneath the coach close to fuel lines. Not one arrest was made.

The PL cartel probably didn’t even factor this into their calculations when pressing the big red button, why would they care about “fans” ?.
One day the legal war may be resolved, but as many have pointed out, those in MSM who have furthered their careers by joining the pile-on will never be forgiven.

My guess for the next micro aggression ? The BBC Team of Year Award will not go to the winners of the FA Cup, Premier League, Champions League and European Super Cup, but hey ho don’t loose sleep on that one.
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The ”dark side” of the PL cartel charges are a by-product never acknowledged in the MSM. Ranging from countless micro aggressions to physical attacks on innocent blues, often for just wearing their colours in public. From memory, the two fans, one in Dortmund and the older guy in Holland who sustained life changing injuries the most serious. There was also the girl who sustained head and facial injuries while just watching the game, her “crime” was sitting in a City section. The PL cartel probably didn’t even factor this into their calculations when pressing the big red button, why would they care about “fans” ?.
One day the legal war may be resolved, but as many have pointed out those in MSM who have furthered their careers by joining the pile-on will never be forgiven.

I agree totally and one day a City fan is going to pay a heavy price for the hatred stirred up by our fucking disgraceful press/media. It needs calling out some of the press/media say we as City support poor human rights, what the fuck !

Have they taken a look at the usa human rights record ? Which country shall we invade today, which black person should the police shot today.

I dont think even City understand how bad things are getting. I be called a cheat in tesco lol. Get dirty looks when out and about wearing my City stuff. I do find most of the abuse towards me is from local plastics. Never had any trouble travelling to matches when being among other match going fans of other clubs.

The dippers get away with violence time after time so they take it a step further each time.

The press/media already have blood on their hands and I feel it's going to get worse once City are cleared. I never use to worry about wearing my City gear but now I find myself being more aware of people around me. Sad isnt it

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