PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Running two together when in reality they were years apart is falsification. The words need not be changed for falsification.
Ordinarily you'd highlight the pertinent points to support your case, but also provide the full exchanges as an appendix so they can be forensically scrutinised.

It's not stated that UEFA did this, but if they didn't, it's extremely amateurish of them. If I were defending, the first thing I'd highlight is why hasn't the full exchange been provided, but only selected sections spliced together, which in isolation paint a wholly different picture to the reality of the situation?
interesting reading the last few pages. If it’s anything to go by, the lawyers will be fighting over interpretation and timing of events while trying to meet the very high level based on balance and probabilities the club did not provide a true and fair picture of its accounts. Based on here, it looks an impossible task.

The only bad actor here is the Premier league which is not acting in good faith.

I honestly hope we drag this out for another 10 seasons. Every dirty accusation has been thrown at us and we are building resilience while winning. Everyone has us down as cheats so it won’t matter if the case was heard tomorrow and we got a full pardon. Football fans don’t care, all they will say is cheats.

City fans are a resilient bunch anyway. Another episode of character building. Going up to a rags house today for lunch. Think I will put on my new city gear to initiate a nice sensible discussion on all things 115 -:)

He isn’t the worse but still can’t accept the new football pyramid. It is Christmas and all so maybe I will go easy on him? Nah -:)

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Lazy Rashy
GPC & Horse spunk

It’s great being a blue.
The only bad actor here is the Premier league which is not acting in good faith.

This is what has been irritating me from day 1. This whole saga began with illegally obtained emails. UEFA's starting position was that the emails were genuine and showed we had breached their rules. Flimsy intelligence to start off with, but it could be argued that UEFA had no option but to investigate. From there, instead of having to build a case, it became incumbent on us to prove our "innocence". Something of an inversion of justice, but okay, at an independent panel we'll do just that.

So we then prove that those emails were taken out of context and in the case of "one" of those emails, also manipulated. For me, that should have been an end to the matter other than investigating why and who by those emails were manipulated.

Instead, and knowing all that, the PL have used the same source material to embark on a fishing exercise requiring production of more and more commercially sensitive information covering longer and longer periods. To me, that smacks of an investigation conducted in very bad faith indeed.
Just going by memory. City, I think, said that there was a gap of several years between the two that were mashed together. Memory only, not verified, but I don’t think I imagined it!
I think the 6 emails released were in some instances years apart as they refer to different subjects, but I think (I may be wrong) the two concatenated ones were part of the same email chain.

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