PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Yes I had a bit of a rant about him on here myself. Nothing ott, saying the club should sue him for the stuff he puts out about us and that he was doing so before his bereavement. He, or supposedly somebody who likes him on here, copied and pasted it to him and he put it on his Twitter account. Of course it was taken out of context and implied I'd sent it to him and this was the sort of abuse he suffers for exposing us. I had done nothing of the sort of course just had a rant in a fans forum. Bizarrely he offered to take me out for a meal and talk about it. He kept on asking me to contact him, in spite of me having no means to do so as I didn't have his email and you had to be a blue tick member or something to do so on Twitter.

I did research the death of his wife and feel some sympathy, it was an awful tragedy for himself and his daughters to go through. Anybody with any humanity would feel sorry for him and them. Feeling guilty I issued an apology of sorts here so hopefully the person who thought it a great idea to send my rant to him also sent that. Some friend of Nick he is sending him stuff he would not normally see to upset him further.
No fuck the ****
Yes, it’s a strange take and one more expected from a Liverpool fan then City in my view (but I don’t mean anything in that and we all deal with this in our own way and we care about our club, so it is stressful).

To create a scenario to argue if we are found guilty but still be innocent is a defence mechanism.

Aligned with the opposing fans telling us we are guilty but will get off because top lawyers or Govt interference.

If we get a guilty verdict chances are there is something, if we get not guilty chances are we are innocent. Don’t get me wrong there are errors but that is where we are.

But, we will accept a not guilty as correct justice done and opposing fans won’t respect the courts opinion.

Likewise if guilty they will say you are a court proved and we will say that was only because of x, y, z.

Bring it on I say, with so many alleged breaches something will give, but don’t think it will be what they hope and will prove just to be a speed bump.
Watching Masters demeanour yesterday was quite revealing. If he is required to give evidence then he appears he would lose composure under microscopic questioning.
The parting anology from the chair of a referee s performance hardly covered him and our dear friend Rick Parry in glory.
Footballer accuses rival club of corruption. He should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute.
He hasn’t. He’s just extrapolated Everton getting a 10 point deduction for one charge to what we might get with 115 charges.

He’s playing along with the current narrative that suggests we’re being relegated to Scottish football. (Hyperbole noted)
If I recall right -- and I'm kind of an idiot for following him on Twitter/X -- Harris recently lost his job. There's nothing to be gained by the Club bringing suit. Can't get blood from a stone; and you can't undo all he's said and done to damage the reputation of the club. Better to ignore him and win the battle with the PL. Probably good advice for all of us, because he's not going to engage any City fan in good faith.

Now when he's slandering the PL when City wins (something he set the stage for in today's rant), the PL might go after him, which would be kind of delicious, no?
Why would you follow him? Doesn't make sense to me. You called yourself an idiot, and I won't disagree with that, but without people like you, following moron's like him, they wouldn't have a platform to spout their bile in the first place.

Sorry for the rant, but I can't stand the ****.
I do pop on there more regularly than I should - certainly more so that can be good for me - but I just like drinking in their desperation and pain

The last 24 hours or so their thread on CITY has been 'off-the-scale' in their excitement about what punishment(s) we should be handed down.

Whilst I laugh at how ludicrous they are - and how they are totally lacking in awareness of the subject of the charges - I have started to feel a sense of disquiet regarding my concern of whether their level of ignorance, and 'demand' for there to be 'justice', could be somewhat typical of fans across the country and also have the scope to infect right-minded and independent individuals.....

I even have started to have a concern about the findings of the KCs that make up the Independent Panel.

If it is true that they cannot find evidence of the scale of fraud that would be required for CITY to be found guilty of more than 'non-cooperation' - then I just wonder if the clamour for 'justice' might lead to the punishment handed down for our non-cooperation being much more severe than we would currently anticipate - due to the need to satisfy the masses.

And then could this lead to a 2nd round of non-cooperation charges for 2018 onwards - with a precedent already set from this first judgement.

It is clear to me that the 115 approach and the lobbying of Parry and Masters has - to a degree - achieved its goal the masses are at the gates with pitchforks and cannot consider any punishment that is anything less than draconian to be anything other than a cover-up

The cunts on RAWK and elsewhere live in their own bubbles - but I guess so do we on here.

I have started to have some concerns for CITY - due to the need for the PL to 'satisfy the masses' and I hope to fuck that the KCs are utterly robust in how they handle this with independence and objectivity

Heaven forbid that we are found guilty of anything more than non-cooperation
Put yourself in the KC’s shoes and ask yourself if you really want to find the club guilty of the alleged offences without absolute irrefutable evidence considering, who owns the club and the men responsible Any guilty verdict will have massive ramifications The rival fans are irrelevant they have zero power and history shows that the PL and the clubs have zero regard for them
they've included the fail safe 'failing to co-operate' within the charges so they've got that to fall back on. If it does, I'd want to City to take them to court and reveal the extent of the information that was requested as I think that would truly pull the PL's pants down. In a perfect world the club would have a smoking gun regarding the behaviour of that rat (P)rick parry during the UEFA case, so that could be raised as a reason for non-cooperation as well.
City went to the high court to contest the PL right to request what, the club regarded as confidential information which cloud be valuable to rivals and lost the club then appealed the decision of the judge that the judgement should remain private this appeal was supported by the PL unfortunately the jade dismissed the appeal she also commented that the PL should get on with it as City had won numerous PL since the investigation was started.
Do you not think a huge part of owners like Kenwright voting for FFP was to limit ambition for his own club ? By introducing FFP it meant he didnt have to stick his hands in his own pocket and could turn to the fans and say, “sorry we cant spend because of FFP”.
Id say in a lot of cases it wasnt about doing the best for their clubs , more themselves.

If Kenwright was such a big Evertonian, would he not want a rich sheik to come in and transform his club and its area? He had that chance and greed and narcissism meant he stopped himself doing so.
I thought that Everton were ruled out for a takeover, as with Liverpool, because of the uncertain situation of Anfield and Goodison at the time?

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