PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Respectfully it’s a bit of a silly take - you say City can’t be cleared as it would look bad for the PL, but City being found guilty looks fucking horrific for the PL……

Anyone who believes that the PL would have ever wanted something like this process needs their heads checked. It’s a PR disaster whichever outcome results.

Equally the idea that some of the UKs most respected KCs would want to put their name to a kangaroo court *and* provide City with one of the only possible remedies for appeal is thankfully so insane as to be a non-starter.

Yes, it’s a strange take and one more expected from a Liverpool fan then City in my view (but I don’t mean anything in that and we all deal with this in our own way and we care about our club, so it is stressful).

To create a scenario to argue if we are found guilty but still be innocent is a defence mechanism.

Aligned with the opposing fans telling us we are guilty but will get off because top lawyers or Govt interference.

If we get a guilty verdict chances are there is something, if we get not guilty chances are we are innocent. Don’t get me wrong there are errors but that is where we are.

But, we will accept a not guilty as correct justice done and opposing fans won’t respect the courts opinion.

Likewise if guilty they will say you are a court proved and we will say that was only because of x, y, z.

Bring it on I say, with so many alleged breaches something will give, but don’t think it will be what they hope and will prove just to be a speed bump.
Respectfully it’s a bit of a silly take - you say City can’t be cleared as it would look bad for the PL, but City being found guilty looks fucking horrific for the PL……

Anyone who believes that the PL would have ever wanted something like this process needs their heads checked. It’s a PR disaster whichever outcome results.

Equally the idea that some of the UKs most respected KCs would want to put their name to a kangaroo court *and* provide City with one of the only possible remedies for appeal is thankfully so insane as to be a non-starter.
He’s back!! taking little pot shots. Bitter and twisted LOL
You must have a boring life
Who do you support again?
City and the Premier League both preferred to keep details of the investigation private but thanks to the Daily Irresponsimail the proceedings were thrust into the public domain. Details of the hearing and reasons are reported. Thinking about it as objectively as I can as a blue maybe the EPL had little choice to proceed if badgered by another club or clubs, but being aware of the shitstorm that would inevitably ensue, and the nature of the allegations and burden of proof were happy to keep it private, as would City of course, knowing that if the allegations were unfounded/unprovable a withdrawal of the proceedings, with honour on both sides so to speak, would have been easier to achieve.
As it is we have a High Noon type scenario and any settlement, however reasonable, measured and required, would result in howls of “corruption” stitch up” etc. from the usual suspects. Thus City have no choice but to take it to the ultimate of a full hearing in those circumstances unless a formula is available that effectively exonerates City but allows the premier league to save face.
My hope is that something along the lines of
“After a thorough and robust* investigation of all relevant accounting periods it is clear that there has been no breach of the rules by Manchester City. However had Manchester City been more willing to cooperate in production of documents from the outset the matter could have been disposed of in a more timely manner and for that reason we impose a fine of £xxxxx in respect of items x to y - failure to cooperate. Manchester City for their part whilst continuing to consider their actions throughout were justified and in accordance with legal advice are prepared to accept, albeit with reluctance the non cooperation fine to bring this matter to a close.
For the avoidance of any doubt no financial impropriety has taken place nor has any unfair sporting advantage been gained by Manchester City.
On the above basis all parties consider the matter fully and finally closed”
I am not ITK and may well be talking bollocks but I wouldn’t be surprised at all of an outcome along these lines.
*robust seems to be an in word at the moment
I like your way of thinking, sounds good to me.
I'm not a watcher of podcasts but this one featuring @projectriver might be interesting for those that do like them.

It was very good. I do wish Stefan had also gone into detail about why the charges were unlikely to succeed but thought he explained everything so well. I especially liked how he pulled up people for their ignorance particularly MPs in the committee for questioning Masters on charges they hadn’t even taken the effort to understand.
If I recall right -- and I'm kind of an idiot for following him on Twitter/X -- Harris recently lost his job. There's nothing to be gained by the Club bringing suit. Can't get blood from a stone; and you can't undo all he's said and done to damage the reputation of the club. Better to ignore him and win the battle with the PL. Probably good advice for all of us, because he's not going to engage any City fan in good faith.

Now when he's slandering the PL when City wins (something he set the stage for in today's rant), the PL might go after him, which would be kind of delicious, no?

What was his job?

I have a feeling a few telegraph football reporters will be having 1am melt downs soon.
Manchester City the name on all the media lips and millions of fans around the world. No such thing as bad publicity we are fucking MASSIVE.
My recollection was that the punishment was for failing FFP, which City’s books didn’t attempt to conceal. The change in allowable pre-FFP wages which UEFA applied retrospectively meant we couldn’t avoid being penalised for this.
This is true, but why the change in the treatment of pre-FFP wages?

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